Can we really Think our way to great #CHANGE?

One of the most important life skills we have, is the power of thought. If we need information, what do we do, we google it. I find it astounding that the only thin in our lives that we have 100% control over is thought! The abiity to think is the absolute hardest thing we will ever do. We are not taught to think.  Instead, we are taught to accept what is.  The status quo.  If you choose to change your thoughts and thus change your life, you must accept the idea that you need to THINK. 

Think about WHAT you want your life to be.  What do you truly DESIRE?  Do you want to travel the world?  Do you want to inspire others?   Do you want to be a Foster parent? Do you want to be a runner? Do you want to be philanthropic?  Remove ALL limits. 

Right now, pick up a pen or pencil and paper, or even your notebook on your phone will work.  Write 3 sentences of WHAT you truly DESIRE your life to be. Really think about those three sentences.  Be as specific as possible.  Imagine yourself living the three sentences you just wrote about. What does it look like, feel like, smell like, can you touch it?  How would you feel living the life you truly DESIRE? Remember, there are no right or wrong answers.  This is your life. What you want to choose to think is completely up to you! 

The mistake most make is allowing others to dictate the WHAT and HOW for them.  You know the What, now how do you feel accomplishing the three sentences you just wrote? This is a HUGE step in changing your thoughts. 

Now, think about the WHY. Why do you want to change your thoughts?  Imagine eating the same meal everyday for 365 days? How do you think you would feel? Essentially, if you don’t think new challenging thoughts, you are feeding your internal dialogue steady diet of complacency and boredom. Without a WHY there is no change. Why do you want to travel the world? Why do you want to be a Foster parent? Why do you want to be philanthropic? Without a WHY there is no change, end of story.

Here is my life phrase:  I inspire the world to shift their reality to enjoy living a life of possibilities and being able to open the door to living the life of their dreams.

Every day, I say to myself constantly, “I am strong, powerful and the bad ass bitch I know I am. Thank you for exceeding my expectations.” Let me tell you, we are all human and there are days where it is a struggle to say those words to myself.  But, I feel the words and believe them to be true to my core being. 

Yes, I truly believe we can and will be able to Think our way to great change! I have accomplished this and so can you!~Shirene