It is all about Mindset!

It is all about mindset from the moment you wake up, to the moment you rest your head at night. Everything is up to you! We all have a story that shapes who and what we are.

Everything we do is a choice and thoughts are the only thing we have 100% control over. As children, we are taught to think and make decisions, but as we grow we are taught to simply follow and accept what is. Think about the first words children learn? Other than mother and father, the word is NO!

“No you cannot do this, and No you cannot have that, and No you cannot eat that.” Clearly children need to learn boundaries, but seriously? When my boys were young, I removed the words Cant, try, and maybe from our vocabulary. It was imperative, they grow up believing in the power of themselves and there was and is nothing that they cannot do!

Getting what you want our of life is as simple as believing you already have something it is that you want. When you write that something down and read it several times when you wake up and before you go to sleep.

Think about what you want, what do you really want? Do you know more people think more about designing a two week vacation than they do about their life and what they really want. We only have one life in this body, it is not a rehearsal. Think about what you want, think about the words you repeatedly tell yourself, and remember, it is all about your mindset!~Shirene