So our question of the day……is it better for your people to remember what you did? Or remember how you made them feel? Well, clearly being MS. Inspiration, I opt for the how you made them feel.
To me, the question is like saying, here is more stuff…..vs here is a hug from me because I adore who you are!
Think about for a minute, how do you feel when a random stranger does something nice for you? Recently, my favorite thing to say to someone that goes above and beyond for me is to mention that they are my hero!
I truly find that the nicer you are to people, as that is not the norm, and I ask you, when did nice not become the norm, th e more you receive. T is so very true, think about that for hot second, when did our world become not nice? That is just not ok. Maybe it was when The Pledge of Allegience was removed from the schools. Oops, I said it, yes, when the pledge of allegiance left the schools. I find just the fact that children are pushed through our school system without any sense of price is Reprehensible.
Everyday when you engage with others, try as hard as you can to leave a lasting impression on them. It does not have to cost money or take a whole lot of time. But just perhaps ask yourself, “Who’s life can i make better today?” And “What can I do to make it better?” The ideas will flow trust me! ~Shirene