Today we are highlighting an amazing woman in Phoenix, Arizona. She is an award winning writer and truly an inspiration to all that are blessed to meet her. Judith Pearson is a Cancer survivor that has founded a spectacular organization called A 2nd Act. Her non profit highlights the most amazing women that have overcome the worst heartache and pain through their journey with Cancer.
I had the pleasure of meeting Judy a few nights ago at a women’s meet and greet in Phoenix. All night I was asked by these powerful women how I found them? My usual answer, as I cannot explain most things in my life, the universe lead me here. You know when you are on the internet and something catches your eye and down the rabbit hole you go! Gosh how blessed I am that the universe lead me to Judy!
Her organization is dedicated to the idea that helping is healing. Through the power of helping others and sharing our story, we heal. Her foundation has been donating to other non profits to help them get up and running with the good they are doing in the community! She has written and produced an amazing book filled with stories of STRONG AMAZING women that have all started their own 2nd Act as Cancer survivors.
Judy Pearson, we thank you for being an amazing Super Mero to yourself and to those you inspire everyday!~Shirene