Fear is nothing other than creative thought in negative form. Read that again!
Everything is an effect of your mind. Your thought forces concentrated on anything will bring that thing in manifestation. Therefor, we must concentrate our thoghts only on good things and the things you wish to manifest. Think things like health, happiness, abundance, power. This is what you will manifest.
Imagine standing and looking at a calm smooth body of water, like a lake. What do you see? It is like a mirror, right? You can see your reflection in the water. This is how your mind works when it is calm. You are able to receive ideas, and really think about what it is you want.
Now imagine standing and looking at the ocean. It is turbulent, always moving and certainly anythng but calm. This is how your mind is when fear is present. Your mind is spinning and you cannot think. Ideas are cut off. Positive calm thoughts are cut off.
Calm and relaxed and able to manifest = The calm peaceful lake.
Fear and worry and cut off from ideas and the ability to manifest = The turbulent and restless ocean.
Think about these two analogies the next time you want to create and manifest the life you want. Fear and hurry does not serve any of us well at all.~Shirene