“The key to every man is his thought. Sturdy and defiant though he look he has a helm which obeys, which is the idea after which all his facts are classified. He can only be reformed by showing him a new idea which commands his own-“ Emerson
Thought is the only thing we have complete control over in our lives. The thoughts we have control our decision making process.
To think different thoughts, we must first, change our thoughts. Do not overthink the previous statement. Just accept that change is the ultimate goal in thinking new thoughts and is the hardest work we will ever do. It is easy to look and accept appearances for what they are. To simply accept the fact one is broke, or one is not worthy of love, this is easy. But to see yourself living in the house, driving the car and living a life of abundance while surrounded in debt is true work. It can be done. It takes daily and sometimes hourly focus in the beginning. But it can be done.
Thinking is a learned skill. We are not taught to think, we are taught to just accept everything around us. Just accept your current reality for what it is. That is NOT thinking. If we accept circumstances for what they are, then comfort becomes the norm. Comfort breeds complacency and nothing ever changed from complacency. It is so easy to become comfortable with mediocrity. See yourself as the exception. Everyone around you is struggling, but you. This is not arrogance, but a quiet confidence.
Would we have cars, if Henry Ford would have just accepted the horse and buggy as a standard mode of transportation? Where would society be if Martin Luther King would have accepted his reality for fact? Do NOT simply accept your surroundings for what they are. Live in the mindset that whatever it is you want, it is already happening around you. I have ALWAYS wanted to be the change I want in the world! I love this phrase…….”be the person you needed when you were a child!”
As a young child, I was constantly bullied because I was not like the other children. When I was 11 years old, I was 5’11 and wore a size 11 shoe. I looked like I was 25 at 11. I was an easy target as I continually tried to be nice to everyone. I remember, one day on the bus ride home, one of the mean girls, was sitting behind me on the bus and tapping my head with a hair brush. I had had all I could take of her and the brush and took my right hand, swung it behind me, hitting her so hard, her head hit the side of the bus. The whole bus was quiet! After that, I was left alone. And, here we are, I am that person I needed when I was a child, I am kind, always seeing the best in everyone and always encouraging those around me to be the best they can be!
The world is ruled by habit. It is what we constantly think that makes us who we are, NOT the environment or circumstance. Read that again! Once we can harness a new mental picture of ourselves, game on! Our new life is on its way!
The phrases we repeatedly hear become convictions, and the thoughts we repeatedly think become habitual. These phrases and thoughts make us what we are. Repetition is the key to any change. Write what you desire most, feel it, experience it, and live it in your mind. It is imperative you Read this desire in the morning upon waking, and at night before closing your eyes. It is also important to point out, that you must unplug from social media at least one hour before closing your eyes and refrain for one hour after waking. If you are committed to changing your thoughts, this exercise in turning off all forms of media is a must. If you are not able to commit to turning off media for 2 hours per day, you are not committed to changing your thoughts. You can simply put the book down and move on to something else.