Do you know most people spend more time planning a two week vacation than they do their own life? Re read that please. Because of this, most people have a hard time answering that question.
We are not taught how to be happy. We are not taught how to think. We are not taught how to enjoy life without stuff. When I say WE I am certainly referring to the general public. Lets look at a newborn for instance. They have few needs, clean diaper, food, and human contact, AND WAIT, THEY ARE HAPPY! Society tells us that we will be happy when we are thin, when we have the right shoes, when we drive the right car, when we eat at the right restaurant. PEOPLE, IT IS JUST ADVERTISEMENTS. Remember, everything is a choice!
We do not need the latest and greatest to be happy. Think about it, you purchase the new car. A few months later the newness wears off for most people and they are now ready for another new car. Look around you and all the stuff that you had to have. I am guilty. I was the girl with bags, jewelry, shoes, clothes. I bought into the idea that I had to have it all to be happy. The truth was, I was already happy and I was just surrounding myself with stuff. How many bags does a person need? How many coffee mugs does a person need? Seriously, ask yourself this the next time you are looking to purchase something. Do I really need this? What am I trying to fulfill in my life?
I literally relate almost every dime I spend in terms of travel. My family, my health, philanthropy and travel are the most important things in my life. Everything I choose is related to one of the four before mentioned items. No exceptions. What really turned my head toward all this was an amazing series of books written by Wallace Waddels. “The Science of Being Rich, The Science of Being Great and The Science of Being Well.” Worth every single penny! Buy them, study them, they are profound! Truly, you will then begin to answer the question of what makes you happy!~Shirene