The Power is inside you!

You have the power to heal yourself, and you need to know that.  We think so often that we are helpless but were not.  We always have the power of our minds.  Claim and consciously use your power.” ~Louise Hay

The only thing we have complete control over is our thoughts.  We can choose positive or negative thoughts; it is all up to us in any given moment. 

In school we are not taught to think.  We are taught to follow.  Occasionally we will have an instructor that forces us to think outside the box and open our minds to different possibilities.  That is one amazing teacher. I have been blessed to have experienced a number of them in my life. 

Our life is simply our thoughts + our daily habits = our life.

Right now, with all the negativity we are surrounded by, is the perfect time to unplug and heal yourself.  Heal your mind from negative thoughts of lack and scarcity and heal our words to kindness and intention.

As we become more and more isolated due to our situation in the world right now, it is imperative we come together as people and become intentional.  By this I mean, the thoughts we think and the words we choose to speak to ourselves and to others.  We must also include a sense of gratitude for EVERYTHING we have in our lives.

Can we agree that we will NEVER speak to anyone more than we speak to ourselves?  Some of the things we choose to say to ourselves, we would NEVER say out loud to another person.  So why do we think it is ok to speak to ourselves this way?  It has to do with out conditioning and habits over time.  The older we get the stronger the habits of negative self-talk have become and the harder it is to shift to a positive inner dialogue, but it can be done.  I am living proof. 

I went from wanting to drive off a bridge in 2016 to a life of inspiring others!  Over the course of the next few days/weeks I will offer suggestions on how to flip the switch in our thoughts to an intentional positive inner dialogue.  I’m not going to lie, it will be work.  I have always said that it is not always easy, but always worth it.  When we really think about it, it was choosing the easy route that got us to our negative inner dialogue.

Let’s commit today to heal our minds from negativity, fear, scarcity and lack to one of abundance, love, kindness and be intentional about everything we choose!~Shirene

Another Super MEro Sunday

This Super MEro Sunday is dedicated to all the people that care for someone.  The ones that selflessly look after a ill family member, an ill friend, and continual go above and beyond for someone they love and adore.

Do you know the way to brighten your own day is to give of yourself?  Think about it, if you are upset or your life is in turmoil, stop for a moment and thing of something or someone you are grateful for.  It immediately shifts your mood and or energy to something positive and happy, right?  The same holds true when we look after and care for someone.  

A basic human need is to feel a sense of value.  When we feel valued, it increases our own well being.  Now I am not saying we need someone else to do this for us, on the contrary.  We must do this for ourselves.  

I have been blessed to have cared for my grandmother. grandfather and my beloved father when they all became ill.  There was not even a question, it was just what I did.  Was it always easy, oh my goodness NO.  But was it worth it?  Of course!  

See, as hard as it may be, we all choose what is important in our life.  For everyone it is different.  The point is, when we care for those we love, there always comes a check in point.  The point where we look at ourselves and what we are doing and those around us and say, why am I doing this?  If you are part of a large family you may look at your brothers and sisters and for a moment think they are selfish as they are not helping in the care giving process.  

When these thoughts enter our minds it is important to remember that it is our choice to care for the loved one and not someone else. Shift your thinking in those moments of judgement of others to we are all blessed to have each other and our special gifts and talents.  If you need help, ASK.  Don’t just assume they will be there to help.  Remember, we all have choices and rather than develop resentment and anger toward your family, choose to ask for what you want!

Thank you to all of you that make this a better place for our loved ones and the selfless love you give!  I appreciate everything you have done and are doing!~Shirene

What is it to be ORIGINAL?

What is it to be original?

Ever thought about it?  What is it to be original?  Is it the car you drive?  The house you live in?  The tattoos you have on your body?  The job you have?  No none of that is original.   I think unless you live in a bubble and in the dark, we are all on some level always influenced by others.  We see on television and in magazines how if you eat certain food, you drink certain drinks, you wear certain clothes you will have more friends, you will be happy person and those around you will be happy.  When in fact what is really happening is society and the media are telling you what you need.  This mentality breeds insecurity, anxiety, and can enable feelings of inadequacy. 

Then of course you add social media to this thought process, and everything is magnified.  STOP!  UNPLUG! 

Most cell phones have a screen time review.  When was the last time you actually paid attention to your screen time?  I recently did and was astounded!  And I wonder why I feel anxious?  Make a commitment to unplug from the news and social media.  I left my phone in the kitchen today while I was working and literally felt like I was missing something.  Seriously?  I have a problem.  NO MORE!

I need to renew my own sense of my original self and that will not happen reading about other problems etc. on social media!

The meaning of original according to the dictionary is:  belonging or pertaining to the origin or beginning of something.  We are all born original in every aspect of our being.  There is not another human exactly like you!  Even identical twins are original.

Do we really want to be like everyone else?  I certainly do not.  Although I will admit when I was young I did.  I have always stood out in the crowd standing 6”2 as a woman is pretty darn original and having a name like Shirene, I have embraced my own sense of self and wear my originality very well. 

Let’s commit from this day forward to wear our own sense of original self in the best possible way and forget what everyone else is doing!  Focus on your self and your original sense of self!~Shirene

Are you listening?

The universe is giving you signs every day, in your sleep, on your timeline, in your conversations, on the radio, in the sky, in epiphanies.  Pay attention to them together.  You will notice a pattern. The universe is always communicating with you.

This is absolutely magical when you experience the universe communicating with you!  The other day I was conflicted about something and not sure what to do about it.  I  was just calm, took in a few deep belly breaths and said:

“Where would you have me go?

What would you have me do?

What would you have me say?”  (normally it is and to whom……but I knew the whom.)

Thank you Universe for taking this and showing me what you want me to know!”~Marianne Williamson

I literally got in my car, and my play list started with “Right Now.”  Coincidentally, that is what is playing as I sit here and write this.  These two words have become my theme.  I say I am a reformed Perfectionist, Howist, and Denialist.  You read that correct.  I believed it was better to ignore and deny certain situations that involved matters of the heart.  NO MORE!

I promise you, when you ask the question, the Universe answers!  You can call it a coincidence, but it is way more than that!  Plain and simple, ask and you shall receive.  But be very clear about the question.  A woman said she wanted more love in her life and ended up with pregnant dog. 

Ask the question and just listen!~Shirene

Anger is the punishment we give ourselves for some else's mistake!

Can you remember the last time you got angry?  I certainly cannot.  I just don’t get angry.  When something upsets me, I ask myself if this is worth the energy I am starting to put forth, and the answer is usually NO. 

We have all heard someone say, “they were just pushing my buttons to get me upset.”  That is exactly it, when we choose to react to someone else’s behavior that is a form of abuse and control.  My question is why would you choose to do this to yourself?

Read that last paragraph again.  Why would you choose to abuse yourself and let someone else’s behavior control you?  Often, we may choose this behavior out of habit.  It is what you have always done and what you will always do.  STOP!  Who is control of you, your thoughts and your life?  YOU! 

It takes time to over come these habitual behaviors we have had for so many years.  But it can be done.  I believe that if something is important enough, it is possible to find a way to make it happen.  The first step is recognizing the behavior.  The next step is to reprogram the thoughts we have.

The next time you get angry, breathe, take a step back and ask yourself why is this upsetting me?  When you look at the why, you can begin to change the reaction. 

One suggestion is to have a daily mantra.  I prefer, “I am so happy and grateful I remain calm in every situation.”  This has really assisted in my calm state.  I recently discovered something about a dear friend that would have normally caused all kinds of anger a drama perhaps, but me, I just took a deep breath and said to myself, there must be a logical explanation.  I knew there was nothing I could do to change the situation and why give away my energy to react to it.

The next time you feel angry, remember it is a form of abuse, control and you are punishing yourself for someone else’s mistake!~Shirene


Gotta Plan?

No one ever wrote down a plan to be fat, broke, lazy and stupid.  These are things that happen when you don’t have a plan!   Do you realize most people spend more time planning a two-week vacation than their life?  I am not saying vacation planning is not important, but the thousands of hours in your life are a bit more important. 

Your vacation every year is your personal super bowl.  Your everyday life are the practices, and official games.  Do you want to be the person that watches everything from the sidelines or is participating on all levels? 

When we participate in our lives, we have thoughts about what we want.  Once we decide what we want, we formulate a plan to achieve our wants and desires.  The thoughts of what we want are easy, it is the daily practice and the weekly games that are the tough part.  Our beloved Kobe Bryant did not just wake up one day and say, I’m playing basketball and will inspire the world to be better!  He had a thought of playing basketball, formulated a plan, and practiced playing ball every single day!  This is what it takes to create a life we want and desire. 

Our life = our thoughts + our habits!  Simple right?  On the surface yes, but again, thinking what we want to think vs what reality says is the hardest work we will EVER do.  What does that look like?  We are practicing and twist an ankle.  Reality says we cannot continue potentially playing basketball because we are injured.  But we hold the thought of running down the court everyday bouncing the ball, shooting baskets, the crowd cheering and winning our weekly games.  We do this daily probably 20 hundred times a day while our ankle is recovering.  This positivity fuels our quick recovery and keeps us focused on resuming our practice and thus winning our weekly games.  I know it is a convoluted analogy, but you get the point.  Clearly, I am not a sports minded girl. 

When I was recovering from my reconstructive knee surgery a few years back, I was in a walker and on one leg.  I could not even drink a cup of coffee while standing without falling over.  For the first time in my entire life, I found myself living in a world of “I can’t!”  It was imperative to my recovery that I remain positive and continue to think about my life and not focusing on what I could not do.  Everyday I woke up I thought about walking onto a plane, sitting for hours and landing in a beautiful place to explore.  I thought about walking on different surfaces, what it looked like and felt like under my feet.  I thought about my surroundings.  What the hotel looked like I would stay in, what the bed felt like I would sleep in during my travels.  I thought about the food I would enjoy.  I made a list of places and things I wanted to experience and read that probably 20 times a day.  This is what it looks like to think about what you want regardless of appearances. 

Clearly, I was a mess physically and very limited in what I could do.   This time in my life was the most trying physically and emotionally.   By the way, I could not even shower by myself, or do laundry or even cook!  That was how limited I was in my world of I can’t! 

So, let me ask you………. what is your plan for your life?~Shirene

Another Super MEro Sunday!

Our Super MEro Sunday finds a true mix of Kindness, Ingenuity and Compassion super powers!  When a delicious burger is only .19$, you try to think outside the box.  Horizon Captain Chris Hansen surprised his crew and every guest on his flight with a Seattle-based Dicks Drive~in burger for lunch.

He checked their website and realized it was only one .19$ hamburger per person.  Hanson reached out to Dicks via email and explained his idea to treat his crew and guests.  He was originally told they would not be able to honor his request due to the expected high volume of burgers on this special day.  A few hours later, he received an email stating his burger request would be honored. Better yet, his request would be free and a representative from Dicks Drive in would meet him at Payne Field airport in Seattle! 

Once all passengers were boarded and ready for takeoff, Hanson announced his surprise lunch treat!  “Everyone was super excited,” Hansen said. “It was a good time and we all got to enjoy the tastiest burgers in the Seattle area!”

Way to embrace your Super MEro Captain Hansen!  Thank you for being truly amazing!~Shirene

Ask yourself everyday:

The best question to ask on a daily basis “What random act of kindness could you perform right now?”  It can be as simple as smiling at a stranger, holding the door open for someone, and even paying a compliment to someone.  My personal favorite random act of kindness is sending a text to a random person in my text threads.  I like to say something like this…”Happy (whatever the day of the week is) I was just thinking about you and wanted you to know how much I appreciate you and so grateful we are friends!  Make it an amazing day just like you!”  I routinely send random texts to my friends and my two amazing sons.  Doing this is really uplififting for them and just as uplifting for me!  Try making a video and send that out to everyone in your text threads.  Recently, I did this and was astounded at the response I received.  It literally made a few peoples day to the point they text me and said how much they needed that and how grateful they were I took the time to think of them.  How nice is that?  Nothing warms the heart more than when we as humans feel valued and appreciated.

It is also very fun to say to people when asked how you are to respond with “I am fabulous with a side of spectacular!”  That will really turn heads.  Random acts of kinds are such wonderful ways to make someone else smile and of course make yourself smile!  So today, ask yourself right now “What random act of kindness can I do for some one right now?”~Shirene

Look at yourself like you are the best person in the world!

I heard someone say recently, “I want someone to look at me one day as if I am the most important person they have EVER seen.” Why cant we do that to ourselves every time we look in the mirror? Why do we need to place our worth on what someone else thinks? Are we not enough? These are all questions I think it is important to ask ourselves. Let me say that again…………”Are we not enough, that we must value our self by what someone else thinks?” I would like to suggest that it all begins with out mindset.  From the moment you wake up to the moment you rest your head at night.  Everything is up to you.  Your emotions, your thoughts, your perceptions, your reactions, every single moment.  When we put attention on what others think we devalue ourselves. 

Remember as a child and saying something out loud and having another child say to you “that is stupid!”  I sure do.  I remember being made fun of all the time.  I was not the normal child by any stretch of the imagination.  To put this in perspective, when I was 11 I was 5’11 wore a size 11 shoe and looked like I was 25.  It was expected that I should play basketball and volleyball…..uh NO!  I was way to girly for that.  We allow others to influence our choices, thoughts and ideas. 

Think about this, every time we disregard what we think feel or want, we chip away at our inner self.  If we choose to disregard our self enough, you can see it in photos.  I was just mentioning to my son, that we live in such an immediate society and have photos for days in our phones.  I find it astounding when I look at photos of myself from 5 or 6 years ago how absolutely miserable I was.  I truly believe that when we loose sight of who we are and what our needs are that is when we change.  STOP!  REMEMBER, we all matter, our thoughts, our idea, our feelings.  Do not disregard them!  I know with every breath I take now that I am the most amazing person ever.  I show up as my best self in everything I do.  It is easy when life takes over, STOP!  Stop, breath, and ask yourself, what do I want?  Talk to your self when you stand in front of the mirror.  I say to myself, “You are strong, beautiful and a badass bitch!”  If you only knew where I was emotionally and physically you would totally understand!

So, all we NEED to understand is if that one special person looks at us as if we are the most important person they have EVER seen, that is a BONUS!  But, we must be the person to look at our self as if I am the most important person I  have EVER seen!~Shirene

You can walk yourself right into the best version of yourself.

I speak often about mindful, movable, meditation. Walking adds so many benefits to your overall mental heath and well being. Not to mention, it is a great time to meditate and quiet the noise inside our heads.

Experts offer many ways ti stick to your walking routine even when you feel like just chilling on the couch.

Schedule your walking time. We are all given the same amount of time in a day. What we do with the time is what matters. When you chose to exercise first thing in the day is usually best. Often as the day goes, so does the time. For me, when I wake up, I put on my running outfit and cannot remove it until I have walked my 45 minutes. For me, that is non-negotiable. I am important and taking care of me is top priority when it comes to my overall well being as a mother, friend, partner and member of society. Leave your clothes at the end of your bed when you go to sleep at night. Set your alarm for 15 minutes earlier in the morning.

As you move through your day, think of the great energy boost exercising gives you. Not to mention the great endorphins that are released. Research shows that a 20 minute workout can boost your mood by up to 12 hours. Focus on how you will feel when you walk back into the house after your amazing walk.

Walk with someone. Two is usually more fun than just one. You will be surprised at how quick 20, 30, 40 minutes goes when you have someone to talk to!

Have fun walking yourself into the best version of yourself!~Shirene