As I was logging onto my computer, I got a pop up that read, …..”how is the British Revolution taught in schools?” OK, I know it is important, but, more important, how is happiness, kindness, inspiration, and gratitude taught in out schools? Oh, yes, its not!
Our children of today are taught to test. Yes you read that correctly. Schools are all about funding and if their students are not testing well, then there goes the funding. That is my personal opinion by the way! Our children are taught to accept what is and to really not think. I was driving along the other day and actually saw two children riding their bikes. I almost hit the car in front of me. How sad is it that that is not the norm. Children playing outside, riding bikes.
My point is that we are taught to accept the what is and not think any different. Well in order to be the change you want to see in the world, it requires thinking. What does that look like for you? What does it feel like? First, we must realize what it is we want to change and move forward.
For me, it is easy, I want a world where everyone feels inspired to be the best version of themselves for only themselves and to perhaps be able to pass it on to someone else! I have never lived my life with any regret and when I have been at any type of a cross roads in my life, I have asked myself if I can live with this decision for the rest of my life. If the answer is yes, then you got it, I choose it! If not, then I look the other way!
I spend my day like the Mullholland drive in Los Angeles, full of twists and turns. However, I have learned to set my day with a daily inspirational practice of asking our loud for my word of the day. I then close my eyes, take a deep belly breath, and listen. I listen for the next word to pop into my head and that is MY CATCH 2DAY! This word keeps me focused in a positive way through out my day. I then journal for a few minutes, brush my teeth and say my inspirational mantras while staring at myself, like I am the best person in the whole entire world! This is the change I want in the world.
It is important to me to not only inspire myself, but the amazing people in my life I am blessed to call my friends and family! Thank you to all of you for allowing me to continue to grow into the greatest est version of myself! What is the Change you want to see in the world?~Shirene