Be the person that breaks the cycle. If you were judged, choose understanding. If you were rejected, choose acceptance. If you were shamed, choose compassion. Be who you needed when you were hurting and not the person who hurt you.
Like anything in our lives, change is not immediate and takes work. I firmly believe that recognizing the what and the why is the first step to change and breaking a cycle. You want to exam what brought you to where you are and why. This is important so you do not repeat the same patterns. People break the poverty, abuse, and illiteracy cycles everyday. But how?
It takes constant work to make a change. It is a statistical fact that it takes 21 days to implement a change. It then takes 66 days for that change to become a habit. Finally ending after 90 days with that change being a part of who you are as a person. Please read that again.
I can say I am going to stop being so judgmental. Hmm, OK. What does that look like? Well, until action is put behind the words, they are just that, words, and nothing more. But when I say I am doing this no matter what, you are naming what it is you want, and claiming it into being. I said, I am developing into the greatest version of my self for myself and if it did not pertain to my family, my friends, rebuilding my health, building my business, or travel I was not doing it! No exceptions. I have been very true to this over the course of the last 2 years.
You must name what it is you want, claim it and move forward. Where would our world be if Martin Luther King, In his speech “ I have a dream…” What if he would have said “I have a wish…….?” Imagine what our world would be like today?
So, I ask you, as you read these words, think about your childhood. Think about your teen years, and think about your life now as an adult. Were you the child others made fun of? Were you the child chosen last for teams? Were you the child that sat by himself at lunch? Can y’all relate to any of this?
I was the tall 6’ child that looked 25 at the age of 11. I was blessed with many friends and never sat alone at lunch, but I saw plenty of children that did. I was continually made fun of out of the mere fact I was not like any of the other girls at my school. It was very segregated with the popular children, jocks, and stoners. and if you did not fit in, you did not fit in! That was me. It taught me one very important lesson early in my life……..ready?
Be that person you needed when you were young! I learned at a very early age the art of compassion!
I don’t think compassion is taught, it is a learned behavior. I believe the most compassionate people in the world are those that have had a tough time and continually fallen and been able to pick themselves up over and over!
So, let me ask you this, Are you that person you needed when you were young? ~Shirene