It just warms my heart when my friends find sayings like these and send them to me with a note that says how this made them think of me instantly:
“If you hang out with me for too long i’ll brainwash you into believing in yourself and knowing you can achieve anything!”
When this happens, you know you are doing great work in the world. Imagine this…If as a society we ALL made an effort to email, text, call, or write a handwritten note to someone telling them how amazing they are and how very much you appreciate them. Imagine the inspirational energy we can create by doing this!
My favorite Oprah line, which I think she gleaned from Maya Angelo is “When we know better, we do better!”
When you know how much random inspiration uplifts those around you, why not engage and pass it forward. The door is open, just walk through. It makes me truly happy at the center of my being to engage with someone in a inspirational way. We are all energy. Everything we do is energy. Why not use the energy in a positive uplifting way for yourself an someone else. Please re read this: “If I hang out with me for too long i’ll brainwash you into believing in yourself and knowing you can achieve anything!”
Who does this make you think of? If the answer is no one? Y’all need a new group of friends and family! Seriously! If you immediately think of one or more people, that is fantastic! You are hanging with the right group of people. Our thoughts and energy is as much shaped by our environment and our energy, as much as it is by our minds.
When you know better and that random inspiration is not only good for your soul, but the person you are uplifting, you will want to do better! This is a case of really MORE is really better! I try to do this as often as I can.
Another fun thing to do is send hand written notes. Which, by the way, when was the last time YOU received a hand written note…… never? Buy some beautiful stationary and stamps. I challenge you to write and send one note per day for 5 days to someone telling them how very grateful you are for them and something special they did for you. I did this for 30 days several years ago while I was recovering from my reconstructive knee surgery and trying to rebuild my life after a nervous breakdown. Many people I was so grateful for them I sent numerous notes of gratitude. For about 10 weeks there was little I could do that did not require assistance. I was and am so very blessed for the wonderful friends and family I came to depend on during this time. Each and everyone of them called or text me that they really appreciated my hand written notes and they knew that I would help them if they needed me too!
For today, I challenge you: ask yourself, who can I inspire to be a better version of themselves today? And do it, send the hand written note, the text, the email, call them. As Nike says…….JUST DO IT! ~Shirene