I want to dedicate our first Super Mero Sunday to my life long friend Jean! We have known eachother over 50 years, at this point, she is my family! What she is doing is truly remarkable and a true version of a Super Mero! Remember, a Super Mero is someone that embodies what it is to be a Super Hero. Remember the high school algebra equations? ME+Hero = Super Mero.
We spent some time a few weeks back discussing CKindness and all it represents and especially the Super Mero Project. I have these cards pre printed that say things like “Today do something Random,” “What is your Dream?” “Today try something new and challenging.” I randomly like to leave these in restaurants, on planes, leave them on peoples key board in offices. Anyway, you get the point.
Jean took the idea and put her own spin on how to embrace true Super Meroism! She decided to implement Operation Uplift Bandit in her workplace. She would leave notes on her co workers desks with things like “You Matter!” “Glad you are here!” “You are appreciated!” She said she started this and the energy in her work place shifted immediately in a positive direction.
What she is doing is similar to the secret Santa premise. One that involves anonymity and a gift of some kind. Her co workers never knew when they would randomly receive a note of some kind. How very exciting this must be for her office, Cant you just visualize the excitement and the happy faces with the inspiration she is spreading? With Jean’s Operation Uplift Bandit, they get the gift of an lovely inspirational note and it is completely anonymous! There is huge power in this!
Positive power and energy are the two bi products of this random act of kindness and inspiration. It is a proven fact that if you want to uplift your self, do something kind and fun for someone else! She is doing just that!
I commend Jean for her Super Mero efforts and know the lives she has touched along with her own, are that much better! With great love and admiration,Thank you Jean! You are truly spectacular and a fine example of a true Super Mero!~Shirene