Do we really learn by #PRACTICE?

I firmly believe we really learn by practice. This applies to everything from changing our thoughts to walking. It just takes one idea or thought to make a behavior or action happen. But first, we must practice over and over till we perfect our new skill, or thoughts. It takes one thought to make a change, it takes 21 days until that thought becomes a behavior, it takes 66 days till that behavior becomes a habit and it takes 90 days till that behavior becomes a part of who you are.

Did anyone ever see a toddler pull himself up and just start walking? No, the toddler learned through practice, practice and more practice. The toddler gets up time and time again after falling numerous times. Every time they fall they don’t say to themselves, “Self that was really hard, we cant do this!” Instead, the toddler gets right back up and continues to practice walking over and over, until soon, look out, he is running everywhere and mom and dad are now in trouble.

Why is it that we forget this basic principle as we age. We as a society become so very judgmental of ourselves and those around us. People, cut yourself some slack. Relax. Do you think the greatest Olympic athletes woke up one day and said……..”I am going to break a world record today?” Of course they did after years and years of discipline and practice.

The best thing I can offer you is the routine practice of kindness for yourself and your fellow man.

For me. the last four years has been the hardest struggle and the best struggle of my entire life. It took a nervous breakdown and my life completely derailing for me to rediscover the routine practice of true simple gratitude. I mean the kind of gratitude that I am happy to be breathing and have the ability to walk and do the simplest things in life. See there was a time in my life I could not stand on my own two feet without falling over. What a humbling experience to live in a world of I can’t. The daily life routine was more about what I could not do than what I could do.

For me, the practice of true gratitude, is not about the bag I have on my arm or the steering wheel I hold onto, it is about practicing kindness and gratitude throughout my day. Eventually the newness of all thinfs fade and complacency sets in. True gratitude starts with me standing in front of the mirror brushing my teeth and telling myself I am strong I am kind and I am surrounded by abundance and love as I walk through my day. It also is talking to yourself in the mirror as you pass by……..”Hey look at you, you are just such a gorgeous person.” I also have my daily prayer practice:

Where would you have me go?

What would you have me do?

What would you have me say and to whom?

Thank you universe for taking this and showing me what you want me to know!

Turn off the noise around you and listen to what you are being told. I have never in my life spent so much time in silence as I have over the course of the last 4 years. Noise distracts our thoughts as we cannot think deeply with the radio or tv on. Think about it, the last time you were lost driving in your car, what did you do? You probably turned down the volume on the radio, or told whoever you talking to via blue tooth, gotta go and focus on where i am going. Right? Well it is the same thing with your self and your thoughts.

If we need an answer to whatever is in front of us, literally, all we must do is ask the question and the answer will produce itself. The Universe is always speaking! The true practice is in the learning to receive what we are being told. I am astounded at the ideas that have come to me in silence. That is why i like to travel so much. Is for me it is the clarity of new surroundings and the being uncomfortable in a new situation that creates excitement and breeds new ideas. This is living for me!

Practice saying the word NO, when it is not life giving or in alignment with our purpose. It is so easy to loose ourselves in friends and family that will literally suck the life out of us. We must stay the course of self care and practice telling ourselves we are the most important person in our life. It is not everyone else, yes they are important, but YOU are the most important person in your life! Read that again!

I believe this saying with all of my heart……..when we are uncomfortable, we are growing and just need to listen and pay attention to what we are being shown, and when we are comfortable we are dying a slow death. So let me ask you this? Are you practicing being uncomfortable or are you practicing being comfortable.?~Shirene