What do you do when you wake up in a world of #CHAOS?

Do you panic? Do you remain calm? What do you do?

So this morning, I woke up, thank you god another day I get to enjoy my life!
After my morning spiritual routine of meditation, inspirational reading and continuing to build my inner dialogue while brushing my teeth (#TheToothbrushProject2day), my espresso machine decided not to work. Next I realized the rental van was parked behind my car and the keys were no where to be found. Hmm, now what?

Then I went to take a shower, and there was no hot water. Seriously? Seems Mr.
repair man decided to replace the element in the hot water heater and all the hot water was previously drained. Hmm, I missed the memo for all this.
At the end of the day, what are ya gonna do? Why get upset about things you cannot control? Clearly, non of this was in my control.

As far as the shower, I know for sure, I could turn the water on cold and Luke warm comes out for quite awhile. I live in freakin
Arizona for heavens sake. There is no such thing as ice cold tap water.

My clothing has shrunk in length because
the water is so warm out of the tap. Even though I say I want a cold
water wash, it is luke warm at best.
With that said, I decided to hop in…..I was good for about 6 minutes.
My point being, what do yo do when life throws you a curve ball
instead of a straight pitch? You catch it regardless.
The law of creation involves the the law of growth. So, when things
are a bit chaotic, it is the Universe saying, "Hello, it is time to
stretch and grow!" In the moment, what good does it do to react?
There is nothing I can do to change it? So, why react? I am just
relinquishing my power. My happiness and my control. Why would I do
that? It doesn't matter in the scheme of
When I went to turn on the shower, I literally thought, hmm, how fun this all is, it is a gentle reminder that I am alive and well. How blessed am I that I have running water in a nice air conditioned home. This chaos could have been put in my way this morning to keep me from emotional of physical harm in someway during my day. It could have also been put in my way as a gentle reminder of how very blessed I am.
The sooner we recognize
this, the better!

It is a scientific fact that everything is energy.
When our souls and our energy are out of alignment, that is when chaos really appears. Accidents happen and our lives are completely derailed.. I thought in 2015 I was just depressed, I was crying all the time and I thought it was that my business was failing, my physical well being was suffering, and all I wanted to do was drive off a bridge.

The truth is, my soul was completely out of alignment. We as humans, can only stuff so much emotional baggage and then at some point, it starts to overflow into other parts of our life. It seems I had stuffed my emotional baggage for so many years, I could not do it anymore. Also, my soul knew and deep down I knew, but ignored the signs, that my then husband was doing what he did best, cheat.

Remember the next time you are experiencing chaos, be grateful. It is trying to save you and or teach you something. I know I am able to great each day with excitement and gratitude with or without chaos!~Shirene