Do you have a boldness of #EXPECTATION?

What exactly is a boldness of expectation? Do you ask for the light to come on when you enter a room? Or do you flip the switch expecting the light to be there? Do you ask to open the refrigerator? Or do you just open it and take whatever you need? These are two basic examples of having a boldness of expectation.

Now, when you have a boldness of expectation, you expect whatever it is you request or desire will manifest itself. You understand the concept of it might not always happen on your timeline. But it will happen. I am now living in a home with a pool. All my life I expected to have a pool and wished and wished and wished. As I sit on the back patio, I am now living that dream!

The words we use when asking for something are also imperative! When my sons were young, I did not allow several words to be used in our house. They are definitely not the typical do not use words. These words imply lack and scarcity. The words IF, TRY, CANT and MAYBE. It was not acceptable to say “IF I am able to do this” or “I can just TRY” or I certainly CANT do this” or “MAYBE someday when.” Instead, it was “WHEN this happens” and “I AM” and “I certainly CAN and WILL. I insist that when anyone speaks around me, that it is with a sense of expectation. Claim whatever it is you want as if it is already yours! When you learn this skill, your life will dramatically shift!

I used to say after my first marriage ended, that my next marriage was going to be all about fun. I was going to get married on Christmas day in Vegas, at the drive through on the back end of a convertible. Guess what, I got married exactly how I claimed it. However, I neglected to be specific about the person I married. That is a story for different day.

Personally, I detest the words TRY and MAYBE! I heard them constantly when I was a child. I used to think, can y’all just make a damn decision already? To me these words are just as disappointing as shoulda woulda coulda!

This type of language would be like an airplane continuing down the run way and never taking off. The plane is full and everything is set for take off, it just cannot get off the ground. The same holds true for your word choices. So, have a boldness of expectation when you speak, especially about something you really want!~Shirene