The word EXTRA is the difference between something ordinary or extraordinary. Do you go the extra mile in your life? Do you go the extra mile with your family and friends? Do you go the extra mile at work? What do I mean by the extra mile? It is as simple as when you reach out to someone for any kind of assistance and when they help you, tell them “hey, I am so very grateful for your assistance, you are my hero right now!” I challenge you to do this the next time you call the cable company, the doctors office, or simply the next interaction with someone. It is immediate that you can see and feel that persons shift in their energy. Going the extra mile is empowering for you and for the other person you are interacting with! Try it and share your experience with us!
When you go the extra mile and shift from ordinary to extraordinary, people remember you. Do you know that people only remember how you made them feel? Think about that for a second. You could be the smartest most educated articulate person in the world, but nobody will remember that about you, but they will remember how you interacted with them and how you made them feel. Of course, how we choose to feel in ultimately our choice. But, when you have a person that is kind, polite, nice, respectful, it will always shift your energy to positive! That my friends is going the extra mile!
The secret to move from ordinary to extraordinary is practice, having a positive mindset, and the words please and thank you. I am 100% serious as I write these words. These three things will propel you to the next level right out of the gate!
Ordinary is 100% the norm. Please don’t misunderstand, I am not judging anyone at all. We are who we are at the end of the day, and like everything, it is a personal choice to be ordinary or extraordinary. It is not acceptable for me to EVER be ordinary. Hell, my name is Shirene, and I am a 6’2 blonde. Right there I an certainly not ordinary by any means. I was born extraordinary and by golly I own every bit of that! A man I was dating asked me to tell him what I did not like about myself? Hmmmm, I am still thinking! Sure there are many things i might choose to change. But I am 100% happy with myself in this moment.
I did not wake up one day to be the person I am today. Oh no, it took years and years of good bad and indifferent experiences to bring me to my fabulous extraordinary life. I do not like the word NO. I do not like to say it and I certainly do not like to hear it. I will go out of my way so I never have to use the word. I do not like the words maybe or lets see. Make a decision!!
I remember when I first met my now divorced second husband, I literally could not breathe. I had to talk myself through breathing. I literally thought, I have met, loved dated 20 hundred men in my life and this man enables me to not breath? WTF is that about? I felt in that moment like I had been smacked up side the head with a two by four., i lost every sense of reason and smarts. Hmm, had I known what I know now, it was my soul saying run fast and far. The not being able to breath for me turned into suffocation and despair. That was an extraordinary initial experience that lasted for 8 years.
I am asked constantly, how come people go out of their way to give me whatever it is that I am requesting? The answer is super simple. I almost always go the extra mile and want anyone I come in contact with to feel extraordinary. When I fly, I take treat bags for the crew, I write hand written thank you notes, I approach every situation as I will get whatever my heart desires! You can too. Decide what you want and claim it as yours! Again, people will remember you because of how you made them feel.
Do you want to play out your journey in life as ordinary or extraordinary? No judgement, just asking!~Shirene