If we only realized how powerful our thoughts really are, no one would ever think another negative thought again!

Being healthy is truly more than diet and exercise, it also involves what you let into your mind and heart. My biggest take away from my nervous breakdown years ago was, I need to focus on me and starting a gratitude journal. This progressed to MyCatch2Day and a chosen word that keeps me mindful and focused throughout the day. As I lay my head on my pillow at night I say out loud, thank you for my blessings to day and recount what they were. This is an important step as it keeps your thoughts in alignment with gratitude while you are sleeping. This is a two fold idea in that you are grateful before you close your eyes and you are grateful when you open your eyes.

Our Subconscious mind is 30,000 times more powerful than our conscious mind. Yes, you read that correctly! Isn’t that number astounding? Here is another interesting statistic, we take in 11 million pieces of information a minute and our brains can only compute 40 pieces per minute! So, if we are surrounding ourselves with negativity, what do you suppose seeps into our unconscious? Our subconscious does not know the difference between a positive thought and negative thought.

No that we know this information about the subconscious, what do we do with the information? Well, first off I would like to suggest when you wake up you say to your self, thank you for allowing me to see another day. Today is going to be amazing. I posted sticky notes on my alarm so that was the first thing i read every morning. Let me tell you, i am now in the habit of doing this every morning, no matter if i wake up on a plane, in another country, or in the comfort of my own bed. I have inspired friends throughout the world to follow me on the MyCatch2Day journey! Please follow us and share your stories!