Mindful, Movable, Meditation..............

My friend said to me the other day when I asked her to do an activity with me, “Girl, I can’t do that, I’m too old.”    My response to her was, “Girl, you are younger than me, if I ever hear you say that phrase again, we cannot be friends.”  We can choose to be held back by our chronological age, or not, again, it is a choice. I will not accept the fact that my age will not allow me to do something.  I travel the world by myself and with my friends and family.  I have had Colombian Coffee in Bogota, Columbia on my birthday, by myself, because I could.  The whole time I was in Columbia I heard the locals say to me, once they found out I was there by myself, “you do know you are a tall beautiful white skin blonde woman with blue eyes right?  As if I was not able to be there by myself. 

If there is something I want to do, I do it!  No exceptions.  There is always a way.  But it requires THOUGHT!  It is as simple as asking the question out loud and taking the time to listen for the answer.  Years ago I asked the question out loud, “How can I live in abundance serving others and travel the world?”  I listened and my answer for the moment, was get a job with the airline!  So I did.  I have been blessed to travel the world, for pennies on the dollar! 

Now my life is once again evolving as I am choosing the QQS life via mindful, movable, meditation.  The Quality of thought with the Quantity of thought along with the Spirit of the thoughts is very powerful.  The Quality of what it is you are thinking.  For me it is I am the BEST, I CAN do it, I am a WINNER, and TODAY is my day!  The Quantity of thought is repetition.  I speak these 4 lines often throughout my day.  Spirit is the way these words are delivered.  I deliver them with conviction and excitement repeatedly throughout the day!

Many of us when we hear the word meditation we cringe.  We know it is something we may benefit from, however, our immediate thought is “who has time to meditate?”  My answer is who doesn’t have time to meditate?

Meditation is and can be very overwhelming word to many. Some think, meditation takes too much time. The truth is, meditation can be whatever you want it to be. Meditation defined by Wikipedia: is a practice where an individual uses a technique-such as mindfulness, or focusing their mind on a particular object, thought or activity-to train attention and awareness, and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm and stable state.

 I deliver these mindful words while brushing my teeth, (movable) twice a day and thinking about the words I just said to myself, (meditation) instead of the 20hundred other things we think about while brushing our teeth. I

Repetition is so very important.  There was an experiment years ago that involved the growth of plants.  In this experiment, a group of people spoke only nice kind words to these plants for weeks.  The other group spoke unkind words to the plants for the same duration.  Which group do you suppose thrived?  If you guess the kind word group YES!  Imagine if we chose to speak nothing but kind words repeatedly to ourselves and to inspire those around us to do the same? 

Imagine what kind of a world we will create?  Notice how I claimed that last phrase?  It is my life mission now to be the change I want to see in the world.  I want to CKindness in the world!  I have thus created a foundation of random acts of kindness in the world.  I speak these 4 lines often throughout my day.  Spirit is the way these words are delivered.  I deliver them with conviction and excitement! 

I have changed from the “go getter” to the “go giver.”  I wrote my 3 sentences of what I truly DESIRE my life to be and am creating it as I write these words.  I say throughout the day “I inspire the people of the world to shift their reality to live a life of possibilities and the life of their dreams.”

For me, I made a choice to expect only the best and accept only the best.  This includes my friends. We need people in our lives that raise our standards and continually remind of us of our essential purpose and challenge us to become the greatest version of our selves.