Having just spent the most wonderful time with my former husbands family, the father of my two amazing sons, I believe forgiveness is truly possible. And to see it in action, is truly magical! I must admit, I was very anxious about attending this function, but, I know something not many know, our outcome in situations has everything to do with our perception and thoughts we choose to think.
Every morning when I wake, I greet the day with two things, gratitude for another day of inspiration, and MyCatch2day. I believe when we live in a world of continuous gratitude, we set our expectations high, our energy is positive and blessings follow us constantly. Next on my daily agenda, I take a deep belly breathe in, hold it, and let it go with a big sigh, sometimes, I do this 2-3 times, it just depends. Next I say, “what is my word today please?” close my eyes and the next word that pops in my head, is “MyCatch2day.” The morning of the reunion, my word was ……….”FORGIVENESS.” when that word came to me, I literally said out loud, “SERIOUSLY?”
Having lived in a world of deep dispair and anxiety and having scrathched and clawed my way out with my own motivation and inspiration, I know 100% what my purpose in life is! See I Know that my mission in life is to motivate and inspire those around me to shift their energy to want to be better stewards of life for themselves and those around them. It took having my life completely ripped out from underneath me to realize my true gift and to be able to move forward and share it with the world! I have said this before and will say it again, I said for months, “Please God, heal my heart so I may go forth and do the work you need me to do in the world!” And, well, here I am!
As I got myself ready this ominous Saturday morning, while brushing my teeth as my usual morning routine, I said to my self 3 times out loud, “Shirene, you really are that bad ass bitch you know you are!” See, for me, this phrase has helped me through my entire life to empower me and push me forward with confidence and strength. Let me tell you, I needed a big helping of confidence with a side of strength today!
With this in mind, I know 100% that I am stunning, amazing and beyond belief fabulous. I am not saying any of this in a egotistical conceited way. But, I know at my core this all to be true! There is a huge difference between being egotistical and conceded vs self love and belief. The former is I believe shallow and fake in nature, while the latter is kind and loving.
My invitation arrived several months prior, from one of my sons who reached out and said their father wanted me to know I was invited to the family reunion at their home in July. Uh, well, I could not say no! I know it would mean and did mean the world to my sons to know that I could share the same space with their father and his wife, their other mother. Many family members were shocked that I was attending this function, after all we have been divorce 21 years and not all of it has been amicable. Certainly not from me not always trying to be the better person for the sake of my children. I forgave a long time ago. The only baggage I want to carry, are groceries from the market, or bags of Super Mero capes to a local children’s hospital.
My sons came to the hotel to pick me up that morning, and we did the family drama debrief. See their fathers parents divorced 40 years ago. When the father realized the mother was going to attend, he literally started packing his bags. Really? It’s been 40 years! My question is doesn’t that anger get heavy? What good does it do to carry anger and hostility for years and years. His brother, their great uncle has been divorced 20+ years and he reacted the same way. They needed the little sprinkle of inspirational forgiveness I would bring to the event.
Carrying anger and hostility only hurts the one carrying it! The person that it is directed to, really could care less! People,, I say, let that anger go!
Forgiveness, is the best thing one can do for themselves. What and who do you need to forgive? I m at a point in my life that I really could care less about many things. See fr me, if it is not life giving, I don’t care!
When I arrived at their home with my two son’s, I think they were just not sure how the day was going to go. I was greeted by my former sister and brother in law with hugs and kisses! Again, some of these folks I have not seen in 20 years. Next I could see out of the corner of my eye, the boys great uncle and grand father wondering is that really Shirene? Look how absolutely amazing she looks! I continued down the receiving line of family and made it into the kitchen where my son greeted me with a coffee. How blessed I am.
I took a seat at the kitchen bar and there I sat to assist their other mother with anything and everything she may need to make the day go smother. Little did I know it would turn into my interview spot for my favorite family members.
I did find it interesting that my boys kept circling in and out of the kitchen, I am sure to check on me to ensure I was OK and not being eaten alive. See, your energy shifts when you truly forgive what has hurt you and caused you great pain and anxiety. Take that deep belly breathe when you feel anxious or overwhelmed, and let it go with every exhale. Trust me, this works! It took me many years, but I have arrived in the land of forgiveness quite well.
It is possible to really forgive and live and authentic kind loving life, Because at the end of the day, the only person you are hurting is yourself! Read that again, and again!
To forgive is divine and will enable you to live an amazing self created true authentic life.~Shirene