Nothing in the world can bother you as much as your own mind. In fact,
others seem to be bothering you, but it is not others it is your own
mind.~Dalai Lama
It is just amazing the things we can create in our own minds.
Remember when you were a child and you were at lunch or walking down
the hall and the children laughed as you walked by? I sure do.How many times did we think they were laughing about us? I did most
times. It took most of my early life to realize, they probably were not
laughing at me, but just were discussing something extra silly and
coincidentally laughed as I walked by. The truth is, it was my
perception of what was happening.Now, if I think someone is laughing
about me, one, I don't care what anyone thinks, and two, I hold their
power because they care enough to laugh.
Every experience, conversation, and feeling is up to us to react to or
remain seated and calm. I truly cannot express the importance of this
and what a great life lesson it has been for me.
Where do we learn the importance of perception and how to shift our
thoughts? There is no class in this? Do we have to wait till our
life falls off the rails to realize the importance of this?I believe
that without this realization of perception and constant practice of
shifting our thoughts, it is easy to slide into victim mode and where
does that leave you?
Changing our thoughts is the only thing we as humans have complete
control over. There is nothing else in this world we can have
complete control over. Think about it, you cannot change someone
else's thoughts or behavior. We can only choose what to think and how that plays into our perception of a situation or a person. We can choose positive thoughts, or deep dive to a
world of negativity and despair. It is all a choice.Do you realize
it is just as easy to think happy positive thoughts as it is to think
negative thoughts? It all takes work and is a choice.
After my nervous breakdown hospitalized me for 5 days. I called it my wonderful stay-cation. I learned a great coping mechanism that has completely turned my life around. I have shared this with many friends who have all adopted this new thought process.Flip switch is a transitional thought process that distracts from the negative inner dialogue we all struggle with. It is a great way to shift your thoughts easily and
effortlessly. When the thoughts of self deprivation enter your mind
simply think about how much you love your hair, or your beautiful
smile, or your beautiful children. This really works. It is like when a child is crying uncontrollably and you hand him or her a cookie, they usually stop. Why do they stop? They are distracted. It is no longer about what upset them and made them cry in the first place, it is now about the happiness of a cookie. OK, don’t get me started on the whole food issues bred from feeding our feelings and distractions, but you get it!Here is a great analogy. Imagine you are driving on a
straight road and a cat runs across the road in front of you? Are you
going to hit it? Are you going to swerve to avoid hitting it? Of
course you are going to swerve as best you can without causing and accident. Your thoughts are the same as driving on that road and the
cat running in front of you.For example, you are going about your
day and walk by a mirror and there is that stomach hanging over your
shorts. Ok, you know it is there, but do you give it energy and beat
yourself up the rest of the day? Nope, say to yourself, I love my
hair, I love my hair, I love my hair. It takes practice and the more
you do it, the easier it will be! Trust me. Soon, when a negative thought enters your head, it will be your new habit to say to yourself, I love my hair, I love my hair.
So, leave the perception behind and remain seated, the reality is
whatever you create it to be, good bad or indifferent, it is all a choice!~Shirene