My word today is PERFECT. I found myself thinking as I wrote the word on my page in my journal dated September 5, 2019. Is there really such a thing as Perfect? Interesting I thought that this is my word today as I was having a conversation with a friend last night that I struggle with perfectionism.
I know the Universe speaks to us in amazing ways. I was leaving a store earlier today and saw on the side of a car “The Perfect Marriage.” I immediately thought, seriously? A Perfect marriage? Is there even sch a thing as perfect? I think perfect is a made up word perpetuated by Hollywood that we must have the perfect home, in the perfect neighborhood, with the perfect family. No wonder Zanex is the drug of the 2000’s. I think we are all struggling with competing with some form of perfect competition. STOP!
For me, there are certain things I must do in order to feel good about myself. When I am working from home in my pajamas, I always put on my lips. For me, even though I am not from the outside looking put together, by having my lips on, I feel put together. To me this is different than having to have perfect hair, perfect skin, perfect polished shoes, the perfect car, the perfect handbag. These are superficial levels of perfection. What we feel on the inside is what matters at the end of the day.
Perfectionism only breeds anxiety and fear which are evil step sisters! We are enough! We are always perfect within ourselves no matter what we are doing. We are all perfect every moment of the day in a very imperfect world. And it is the imperfections that mean we are alive, authentic and real!~Shirene