Thank you for always exceeding my #EXPECTATIONS!

What and how do you start your day? First we open our eyes! Thank you god! Then we bounce outta bed and begin our day. What if after opening your eyes, you got yourself in the habit of being grateful for opening those eyes?

Over the course of the last few months I have chosen to start my day, after opening my eyes, with two simple phrases

Thank you for always exceeding my expectations!” AND What would you have me do? Where would you have me go? What would you have me say and to whom?

This automatically sets my day in the direction of gratitude. Throughout my day when something wonderful happens, I always say this phrase either out loud or in my head. But either way, it is now a part of who I am!

When we have friends and family that are taken to the great beyond far too soon, it makes some of us rethink the time we have on this earth. And I am here to tell you, I am not wasting my time! My friends and family all know how very much I love, adore and appreciate them! Tell them, don’t wait, let everyone in your circle know you love and adore them!!

I refuse to be involved with ANYTHING that is not life giving! This includes people, places and possessions. Sure there are the things we must do like laundry, dishes, walk the dog, make dinner, but all these are things to be celebrated because we are able to do them.

Think and talk about what you have and NOT what you don’t have. I am so happy and grateful I am able to purchase laundry soap and a beautiful washer/dryer to spend time with my clothes. I am so happy and grateful I am able to have beautiful white dishes to enjoy my fabulous meal, that I just cooked with my own hands while standing over a my beautiful cookware. I am so happy and grateful I am able to walk my dog for distances mutually chosen. See, everything is just a matter of perspective. I can spin it positive, or I can spin it negative. It is all a choice. But it does take work and constant practice to see gratitude rather than just accept what is.

I always go back to how children are so happy with a card board box. They could have 20hundred toys to entertain themselves, but the ones they gravitate to are the simple things, the box, or the pots and pans. It affirms that it is the positive simplicity they want. We loose that as we grow. We become busy and forget the simple things in life. Then if we are lucky, life derails us back to being grateful for simple things like walking the dog, washing your face without falling over, being able to see your loved ones. This is what life is about. Be kind, be grateful and most important appreciate every moment, life is NOT guaranteed!

I am so happy and grateful for always exceeding my expectations!~Shirene

Invest in yourself and your mind constantly, the dividends you receive from your investment will compound in a short period of time!