Imagine a world if all of us adopted these new RULES OF KINDNESS:
*Tip your server an extra $2-$10.
*Pick up a piece of trash.
*Smile at a stranger.
*Compliment a complete stranger.
*Send a random text to someone in your contacts list….”Just thinking of you and wanted you to know that you are absolutely amazing!”
*Hold the door open for someone.
*Let someone in your lane.
Do you know that small acts of kindness have ripple effects? This is how we can change the world, one person at a time.
Yesterday I was chatting with a friend who was remarking how she had said to someone in the gym how much she liked the leggings this gal had on. The woman apparently did not know what to do with the compliment and just looked at my friend like she was an alien and had just insulted her. My friends take away from this experience was well maybe I should not compliment others?
Seriously, this is what our world has become? When as a society, we cannot even pay someone a compliment with out it being offensive? I personally find this utterly offensive that another individual would be offended with me paying them a compliment. I truly believe, if as a society, we could put aside the social media for a moment, turn of the news, put our phones away for a day and reconnect with one another, this is what needs to happen.
There have been two mass shootings within the last 24 hours and this really has spun my kindness meter out of control. What drives people to behave like this? Are they craving attention? Again, if we could as a society come together and be kind to each other and most important to ourselves with the inner dialogue we have, I truly believe these kinds of heart breaking incidents would be a thing of the past.
We cannot allow ourselves to live in fear while performing everyday activities like grocery shopping, or riding the train to work, or spending a nice evening together with family having ice cream. At the risk of being 6’6 and standing on my 4 inch soap box (I am 6’2!), we must get a grip on ourselves and somehow some way commit to being kinder to ourselves and those around us!
I think we can all agree, and even admit, that some of the things we routinely say to ourselves, in the privacy of our own heads, we would NEVER say to another individual EVER! So, I ask you, why in the world is it OK to say these things to ourselves? This is abuse plain and simple. But somehow, we are able to justify these negative words in that they are not crossing our lips and saying them to another person!
Need I remind you, that we are the most amazing human being ever to walk this earth. We all need to pay attention to what we are reading, watching, listening to, and who we are hanging out with. All this feeds into our souls and the energy we feel. I know I speak a great deal about energy, but it is a scientific fact that everything is energy. Marcone knew this when he invented the radio. EVERYTHING IS ENERGY! So, when you read about murder and destruction, that is what your subconscious feeds on.
Our brains take in 11 million pieces of information a minute. Our brains can only absorb 40 pieces of the 11 million pieces in a minute. What do you think happens to the other pieces of information? Our subconscious locks in on it! READ that again! Let me tell you what I know for sure, when you surround yourself with the best you become the best!
Lets continue telling the woman at the gym how nice her leggings look, and smiling at the stranger standing in line at the market, and letting the person in ahead of us on the freeway. Smile at yourself in the mirror the next time you are washing your hands like you are the greatest person you have EVER met! Lets make an effort to really change the RULES of KINDNESS once and for all!~Shirene