Know why army officers prefer 18 to 20 year olds over 40+ year olds? Can they walk faster? Run faster? Can they carry more? No, 18 to 20 year olds do not carry worry and every night they go to sleep and wipe their minds clean of fear and worry from the day! Worry and fear are learned behaviors and do not in anyway bring change. In fact the opposite, worry and fear keep a person stuck in old thoughts, and complacency.
Can we agree, that the older we get as humans, the more we worry and prefer things to remain the same. So, if you decide you want to change up your routine, depending on how entrenched that routine is, it may or may not be easy. But I can promise you, if you implement a change using old ways and thoughts, you are doomed to a life of complacency and boredom free from any change.
My son and I were having a conversation earlier today about his life after graduation. He is set to graduate from College in mechanical engineering this year. I do not know many children with their lives ahead of them that are seeking an employer that is internationally based and will offer the most amount of time off.
See my two sons have not bought into the mindset of having to have a wife and children right away out of college. My sons believe in the mindset of you do you and I will do me and then we can do us. But until the US is a factor, they are definitely doing themselves, and in the most magical life giving way possible.
I am so proud to say, my two sons are the best humans I know. They are kind, smart, thoughtful and give back to those around them as often as possible. They both know that thinking outside the box will always open a door. There is nothing the three of us ever want, that we do not get.
I taught them early on that when you look around and are always asking yourself, how can I give greater value for what I am receiving? How can I serve better and be better as a person? How can I make more money for my employer or those around me, or save more for my customers or those around me? What I know for sure, is according to the law of attraction, when you give just a bit more, however that my look, it will come back multiplied. What that also means is you must often think outside the box and stretch your thinking. How can I do this different?
When you keep these thoughts in the forefront of your mind, you will never have to worry about working a day in your life and you certainly will have no need to worry about being cared for. Now that is not to say that life will be always easy. In fact far from it! There will be lesson along the way that you will need to pay attention to, there will be plot twists, there will be heart ache and all will be put in your life to make you develop into the greatest version of you!
The next time you are faced with a closed door, ask yourself what is a new way I can open this door!~Shirene