There are no failures only different degrees of #SUCCESS.

It is only through the challenges rather than the easy times that we learn and grow. I said to a friend of mine many years ago when my life as a single mother of two small sons was completely chaotic and out of control, “Why can’t life just be easy?” His response I have carried with me for years, “if life were always easy, we would not be able to appreciate all the good.” What do you think? Make sense?

I certainly think now that if life were always easy, how very boring and limited it would be. I have 100% embraced change and know that when situations are presented that are difficult, it is ourselves being pushed to the next level of our own best self. There are always growth opportunities in everything, good, bad, and indifferent. I won’t lie, I do like to relax from time to time and having life calm and quiet is nice. And there is certainly a huge difference in living a life with someone that it feels as though you are living in a food processor and you never know when someone is going to push pulse.

Now, do not misunderstand, my life has NO DRAMA. There is a huge difference between change and drama. Drama involves others, where change is singular and is placed for our own growth and development. You know, when problem after problem arises that is the universe speaking to you. If you don’t listen, the problems become bigger, and bigger, until you have an accident of some sort and are FORCED to stop completely! Been there done that. Slipped in a freak accident that kept me confined to my home for 6+ months. I look back now and my take away from that was courage and I am always my own go to person! If I could get through that, literally by myself, I CAN DO ANYTHING!! What a blessing change and problems are!

There are NEVER any failures simply different degrees of success and remember, it is all a matter of perspective.~Shirene