Super Mero Sunday.........

Welcome to Super Mero Sunday.

Going forward, I would like to greet each Sunday with an inspirational story of someone I know, you know, or a member of our community that inspires those around them to be their greatest selves. The power of one has truly been my life long passion and how one person can really affect great change within themselves and the world.

What is a Super Mero you ask? We all know what a hero is right? It is someone that performs extraordinary deeds for the benefit of others. We also know the definition of a superhero, which is a person or character usually possessing supernatural or superhuman powers, who is dedicated to fighting the evil of their universe, protecting the public, and usually battling super-villains.

So what if we took the idea of a super hero and combined it with the power of one (ME) to be that person that can really harness what it is to be their greatest version of themselves for themselves and for those around them. The Super Mero would posses a positive inner dialogue of kindness and inspiration to empower and protect themselves and their communities, while battling the ordinary to sprinkle extraordinary where ever they go. So, when you combine the power of one together with the word hero a Super Mero is born!

For me, this whole concept is inspiration with a huge side of empowerment at its best! Imagine a world where children are raised to envision their clothing being their Mero uniform! Their shirts are their coats of Armour, to protect them from the negative and fear they face through the whole day. Children are all born not knowing what it is to be judgmental. Judgement and hate along with racism are learned behaviors. So what if schools, hospitals, and every organization bought into the concept of Super Mero and it was the norm? What if? I say why not.

From the very beginning, I brought up my two sons to believe there is nothing in this world they cannot do! If you can dream it, you will be presented with the tools of thought to make it happen. But first, it starts with being kind to yourself with your inner dialogue and to those around you and what can you do to today to brighten someone else’s day or life. Even when they may not be deserving. The truth is, each and everyone of us has a story that makes us who we are and how and why we became Super Mero’s to ourselves and those around us!

Welcome to Super Mero Sunday!~Shirene