It occurred to me today how very much our world has changed and not necessarily for the better! I needed a couple new batteries and upon a friends suggestion visited my local Batteries Plus. I was immediately greeted with a smile from a nice gentleman and as I explained …….”if I could please, I would like two new batteries for these items.” His immediate response to me was “Of course! How nice you are to be so kind in your request.” MyCatch2day word upon waking this morning was the word #REMEMBER.
How fitting is the word remember in my transaction with this nice gentleman. We must always remember, it is not the what………..but the HOW that is so very important with any interaction with another human. We are all guilty of going through our day in a rush to complete whatever tasks we have at hand and often forget that the person scanning your groceries, bringing the mail to your house, and even the person putting your fast food order together is in fact….A PERSON. I find it odd that we live in a world of Kindness not being the norm, and it stands out when you are in fact nice to someone. I find it odd we search out NON GMO’D food and want Heirloom fruits and vegetables. OK, I won’t get started on the GMO thing in this blog………lol.
I raised my two sons to respect EVERYONE and they do not pay attention to the color of a persons skin. If that person is not nice, or disrespectful, it is not because of the color of their skin, it could be many reasons. Of which, lack of education in the pleasantries of life, lack of any ability to be their own best person, and or possibly and inability to even care about them selves or anyone else. Trust me when I say this, I am not judging and we all get busy. But for heavens sake pay attention to your fellow man and be kind!
My son’s are the two best humans I know. The continually perform random acts of kindness, and are truly respectful human beings….especially with women!
A few years back my youngest son, 22 at the time, and I were at the store placing an order. He said to the young man…..”I want…………..” He clearly neglected the words please and thank you. He is 6’4, and I, his mother, stand 6’2. I smacked him on the back of the head and said……..”How about you try asking again!?” The young man on the other side of the counter looked at us like, what the hell just happened here and did she really just say that? Needless to say, my son, asked again with #PLEASE and #THANK YOU! I will never tolerate disrespect from anyone and especially my family. If you want something, it is always please and thank you! END OF STORY!!
Can we all slow down just a bit and remember how very important AND powerful the words PLEASE and THANK YOU really are? I am so blessed all the time as I get whatever I want as I am ALWAYS KIND AND RESPECTFUL OF WHOEVER I AM SPEAKING WITH! I promise you, REMEMBER the words Please and Thank you in your next transaction. Those words will get you further than any other words IN ANY LANGUAGE! ~Shirene