You become what you think!

For the last two years, I have visualized myself, to be that bad ass girl I was when I was in college. That strong, independent, get the hell outta my way and watch me go, gal! Well, today, it all came full circle for me. I was dressed in my signature black and white colors at the nail salon. This adorable early 20 something chic is seated next to me. I see her out of the corner of my eye looking at my freshly painted nails, black in color, and my fathers ring I wear constantly, a large black onyx rectangular ring with a 1 carrot diamond in the center. She then says to me, you really are beautiful bad ass! I certainly do not need someone else approval, but right there, that is the universe talking to me!

I have known that what you think and say to yourself, to be extremely true. But this is just yet, another reminder that we are and become what we tell ourselves. See, in 2016, I woke up on my 53rd birthday having had my entire life ripped out from underneath me! Literally, I was on crutches having dislocated my right knee so severely, it would take reconstructive surgery to walk again! My body was a mess and more important, my head was a mess! Only I could do what I needed to do!

I am not a religious person, but I do believe we are all directed by a life force of some kind, Call it whatever you wish, but it is there directing all of us. But what I know to be 100% true is that we are always behind the wheel with your choices we make and the direction our lives are going. We receive signs that we are either not on the right path or are on the right path day in and day out! I was clearly being told that I needed to listen to what it was that i was being told!

Again, if you would have told me 5 years ago, I would be living in Phoenix, Arizona, twice divorced and starting from scratch…..I would have said, YOU ARE CRAZY! But, here I am! I am in the best place I have ever been in my life, mentally. physically and spiritually! I love everything about my life! If whatever I am presented with as a choice, if it is not life giving to me, I do not do it!

When I was really in the depths of despair, I would say out loud numerous times a day…”please God, heal my heart so I may do the work in the world you need me to do!” Guess what, my heart is healed, although most days, I feel as if there is a coat of Armour around it when it comes to love. But that is another story for another day. I am creating a non profit foundation with these amazing women that are all like minded with me. We are creating this foundation to good in the world and bless those we come in contact with , with kindness and inspiration!

So, please, we are truly what we think and what we say to ourselves! Happy Wednesday from this bad ass chic!~Shirene