Habitual thought and NOT your environment has made you who and what you are!
If you believe, and your inner dialogue reflects you live in poverty and are not educated, you will live in poverty with a lack of education. If you believe and your internal dialogue has you driving a BMW at the age of 16, you will believe and your inner dialogue will reflect you driving a BMW!
My son at the age of 7 stated his first car was going to be a BMW. He had no idea of the how, he just knew the what. He lived in a home with me, a single mom, and his brother that was 22 months older. What I knew for sure, is we can have anything we want, we just have to believe and claim it as ours. I kept that alive in my son Kruse every time he mentioned the BMW. I would always respond with something like “you just need to believe you already have it, feel it, smell it, touch it, you got it. If that is what you want, it will be yours.”
Now what we can surmise about most parents, especially single parents, they would be thinking at this point, seriously? My child thinks he can have a BMW at 16? I am driving a POS and my child is gonna have a better car than me? NOPE! There goes the child’s dream……..driving away before his eyes.
All my life I always had a sense of belief and faith. I did not grow up in a religious home. My father just never seemed to worry about anything. Thank you dad! Money was something that always seemed to be there. I don’t know that I really ever heard the dreaded words……….”we can’t afford that.” I did however hear, “ well, we are choosing that not to be important to us right now.” Same basic meaning, just totally different word choices. Needless to say, I have NEVER let the words, “I cannot afford it ,EVER cross my lips!”
With that said, the BMW dream was kept alive in my son since the age of 7. He was encouraged by me constantly. The day he turned 16 he got his license. What do you think was in my drive way the next day? You guessed it, a beautiful pristine condition BMW he purchased for $500!! Let me tell you, if that isn’t an amazing example of The Law of Attraction and its power!!
Decide what it is you want. See it, Feel it, Smell it, Touch it. Never give up the want. Set your intention and let go of the attachment. ~Shirene