Today’s word is competition. Every morning when I wake, I ask out loud what my word of the day will be, I then close my eyes and listen. The first word that pops into my head, is the chosen word of the day. This is how MyCatch2Day was born.
This morning, I then proceeded to open my meditation notebook and immediately read two things:
“Call me crazy, but, I like to see other people happy and succeeding. Life is a journey not a competition.” “When we look in the mirror, that is our only competition.” The purpose of MYCATCH2DAY is to stay mindful and remain inside my day with one new word that I keep thinking about, thorough out my day. I suggest you try it, as it has worked wonders for me. I am on a mission to continue to evolve into the greatest version of myself for myself, while assisting others to travel on the same mission with me.
The words we consistently tell ourselves is our competition. The negative unhealthy word choices are competing with the positive healthy word choices. The inner dialogue we speak is very powerful. Our subconscious minds do not know the difference between positive and negative word choices and thoughts, it only knows what it is fed. If you think you are broke and will not amount to anything and your inner dialogue reflects that, then that is how you will think, feel and act. If you think you are living a life of abundance, then that is how you will think, feel and act. How many times do we hear someone say the phrase, I can’t afford it. Of course you can’t afford it, that is what you believe! Years ago, when I first got divorced, I desperately wanted this professional grade gorgeous stainless steel, 5 burner gas stove. I carried this picture of the stove around with me for weeks. It went everywhere. I would look at it constantly through out the day. I had absolutely no business purchasing such an expensive item. I knew what joy it would bring to me and everyone connected to me as they would reap the rewards of beautiful meals. Several weeks passed and I still had the picture in my pocket. Then, I got a call that I was getting a huge bonus. The company I worked for was changing their bonus structure and I should expect the exact amount that the stove cost. HMMMM! There is nothing we cannot have! We limit ourselves! We are our only competition!
Please share your thoughts and stories with us! ~Shirene