I know this to be very true! Changing your habits, thoughts and actions is only the beginning. The life changing word we are looking for is #SIMPLE. What will change your life forever is just that, the simple daily things we all do everyday.
For me, the simplest thing I have ever done that truly changed my life forever and pulled me from the depths of despair is standing in front of the mirror twice a day brushing my teeth and reciting over and over out loud and in my mind……..”I am that bad ass bitch I know that I am!” I have now done this simple daily routine now for two plus years and I know what it is to stand up straight again! Lets face it, we can fill our internal dialogue with negative thoughts or positive. I choose positive.
One of the other simple habits I have developed, I like to call flip switch. When the negative thoughts enter my head, I think about something else that sidetracks my negative thoughts. My favorite flip switch thought is so very simple…..I say to myself “I love my hair,” See, how simple! In the beginning when I first read about a woman that changed her life dramatically by doing just this, I thought, well lets give it a try! As I write these words, I can tell you that this is something that made a dramatic difference in my life forever! If I knew who this woman was and how to reach her, I would in fact send her a personal thank you note! Instead, I am sharing this idea with you and the world. I have in fact shared this with many friends and they use it on a daily basis. Give it a try! Flip that simple switch!
Every morning when I wake up, I grab my notebook, my favorite pen, a cup of coffee, and whatever inspirational book I am reading, and head to a quite place to be alone with my thoughts. This simply sets my day in the right direction. I have found on the days where for whatever reason I am unable to follow this routine, I may be off just a bit with my thoughts and actions. However, I will tell you, I have done this simple daily routine for so many years, it really is a part of who I am as a person. I can literally close my eyes during my day, take in a deep belly breath, and slowly let it out. This is what I like to call the simple reset. There is the simple reset I do first thing in the morning and the even easier instant simple reset I do during the day.
In fact at the end of the day a 6 letter word can and will simply change your life forever!~Shirene