If you are not able to choose wisely, simply choose again. The point is to start right where you are. People, listen to me when I say this…….Life is so very precious and there is no time like the present to do and to choose the life you want!
“The Lord helps those that help themselves” and “Ask and ye shall receive.” These are two very powerful statements when you really think about them. Don’t simply take them for granted like I have. I always believed these two phrases to be true, just never really put much thought into them until recently. They both make perfect common sense. The subconscious mind has all the power, as a matter of fact 30,000 times more than the conscious mind. The conscious mind is the watchman at the gate and must always open the door for the subconscious mind.
Think about this, the subconscious mind does not know the difference between a negative thought and a positive thought. Knowing this, it would seem we would want to always choose positive thoughts before negative thoughts. I would like to suggest, the next time you have a negative thought, see how you can turn it around to be a positive one instead. Try and make it fun like a game of switcharoo!
So, now that we know this, where to from here? Ask yourself, what is it I really want in my life right now. YOU MUST BE SPECIFIC! It is not enough to say, “I want to experience more love.” I know of a woman that claimed this is what she wanted and received a litter of puppies! She certainly experience more love, just not the romantic, intimate, life giving love with a partner. So, be as specific as you can.
I have claimed that I want from life “I will travel the world and inspire those along the way to shift their reality to live a life of their dreams as I am living mine!” I can feel this as I live and breathe and compose these words on this blog.
When I head to the bathroom to brush my teeth, I look at myself in the mirror in a kind loving way, as I am the greatest person I have ever known. While loading my toothbrush with the toothpaste I say to myself, word choices like “I am so happy and grateful I am that badass bitch that can do anything I choose!” “I am so happy and grateful I live in abundance while serving others.” This is all so very powerful and is literally what pulled me from the depths of despair a few years ago!
Every morning I request MyCatch2Day, of which I close my eyes, breathe a deep belly breathe, hold and count to 10, release and whatever word pops into my head, is my word of the day. This word, I write down in a special notebook and it leads me through my day.
Next I close my eyes, again take in a deep belly breathe, hold it for 10 seconds, and let it out, then I say a prayer. This prayer I gleaned from Helen Schuman’s book : A Course in Miracles
“Where would you have me go? What would you have me do? What would you have me say, and to whom? Thank you Universe (or God, Buddha, whatever your preference is) for showing me what you want me to know! Then I proceed with reading 5 to 10 pages of a chose book, along with writing specific phrases that jump off the pages to me.
From here I head to the computer and write a bit, then on with my day. If I have a morning where I do not follow my spiritual routine, it is as if I left my home naked. I feel a bit off. A few times I have had to literally hit the ground running and instead of doing my complete routine, I downsize and make my shower time, my chosen meditation time. This is where I get MyCatch2Day and say my prayer. I still say my phrases to myself while brushing my teeth no matter what!!!
The chosen spiritual routine can take 10 minutes or an hour, whichever I choose. The point is, every day and every moment is a chance to always choose AGAIN. ~Shirene