Pushing through our #FEAR is literally living on the edge of life.

I just spent 4 days in Costa Rica with my two sons. Kruse is 25 and Connor is 27. When I asked them if they wanted to go to Costa Rica for a family trip, just the three of us, it was an immediate “Heck ya!” After much research, I quickly realized this is not aa normal place I choose to travel too. I stay relaatively within my comfort zone, no hiking, nothing outdoorsy that doesn’t involve a cabana boy and a beach.

To really experience all Costa Rica has to offer, it involves clothing I normally don’t choose to wear. Hiking shoes, walking shorts, a rain slicker, and a sun hat, all with a spray or two of sunscreen and insect repellent.

I kept reminding myself I was spending quality time with them. We were remarking on the plane, the last time we were together was May 2018 as we met up in LAX on our way home from independent trips. We speak often, but to travel together has not happened in many yeasrs. Nednelss to say, with credit card in hand, we boarded our Alaska Airlines flight together at LAX, next stop fun and adventure.

At the age of 56, i quickly realized, as I was struggling up and down the side of the mountains to take our next position in the jungle for our zipline tour, I had NEVER been hiking before as an adult. I am sure I experienced it as a child during girlscout camp, but clearly blocked it out of my memory. I clearly had to wear unfeminin shoes and that in its self is a huge step outside of my comfort zone.

I did it and have the video to prove it! I am so proud of myself for telling FEAR, it is free to leave, I am good!

That day was magical as I was fearless with them and got to experience hiking and zip lining with the two most amazing men I.know! What can you do to push through your fear and experience what it is to live on the edge?~Shirene

#REPETITION is the key to great change!

Do you realize your internal dialogue has everything to do with how your life manifests? The phrases we repeatedly hear and say, become convictions. The thoughts we repeatedly think become habitual, and make us who we are. If you look upon the world as positive and happy, that is what you will create. If you look upon the world as negative and UN happy, that is what you will create.

Ever really taken a moment to think about how very important words are? The words we choose make us who we are and can really affect those around us in either a positive or negative way. Read that again. Since it is back to school time across the country, I would like to propose an idea that would be very easy to implement in EVERY school! Think about this, if the principal or an administrator, or even a student, came on the loud speaker every morning and said something like this……………..

“Good morning everyone! Just wanted to say thank you for being here today! We appreciate each and everyone of you and am so glad you are here! Please take a moment and tell someone sitting across or next to you how grateful you are to see them today! Let’s all make it a great day today!”

Imagine if this were a thing?

If every morning our children, and need I remind you they are the adults of tomorrow, felt valued as people, how much better would our world be? Please, if you are an administrator, a parent, anyone related to a child in school, please pass this on!! Repetition of positive words every day is our key to great change in our world!~Shirene

Can we really Think our way to great #CHANGE?

One of the most important life skills we have, is the power of thought. If we need information, what do we do, we google it. I find it astounding that the only thin in our lives that we have 100% control over is thought! The abiity to think is the absolute hardest thing we will ever do. We are not taught to think.  Instead, we are taught to accept what is.  The status quo.  If you choose to change your thoughts and thus change your life, you must accept the idea that you need to THINK. 

Think about WHAT you want your life to be.  What do you truly DESIRE?  Do you want to travel the world?  Do you want to inspire others?   Do you want to be a Foster parent? Do you want to be a runner? Do you want to be philanthropic?  Remove ALL limits. 

Right now, pick up a pen or pencil and paper, or even your notebook on your phone will work.  Write 3 sentences of WHAT you truly DESIRE your life to be. Really think about those three sentences.  Be as specific as possible.  Imagine yourself living the three sentences you just wrote about. What does it look like, feel like, smell like, can you touch it?  How would you feel living the life you truly DESIRE? Remember, there are no right or wrong answers.  This is your life. What you want to choose to think is completely up to you! 

The mistake most make is allowing others to dictate the WHAT and HOW for them.  You know the What, now how do you feel accomplishing the three sentences you just wrote? This is a HUGE step in changing your thoughts. 

Now, think about the WHY. Why do you want to change your thoughts?  Imagine eating the same meal everyday for 365 days? How do you think you would feel? Essentially, if you don’t think new challenging thoughts, you are feeding your internal dialogue steady diet of complacency and boredom. Without a WHY there is no change. Why do you want to travel the world? Why do you want to be a Foster parent? Why do you want to be philanthropic? Without a WHY there is no change, end of story.

Here is my life phrase:  I inspire the world to shift their reality to enjoy living a life of possibilities and being able to open the door to living the life of their dreams.

Every day, I say to myself constantly, “I am strong, powerful and the bad ass bitch I know I am. Thank you for exceeding my expectations.” Let me tell you, we are all human and there are days where it is a struggle to say those words to myself.  But, I feel the words and believe them to be true to my core being. 

Yes, I truly believe we can and will be able to Think our way to great change! I have accomplished this and so can you!~Shirene

Relax my love, everything is on its #WAY!

Ever feel anxious about an impending situation? A move, a new relationship, a trip, even a new recipe you are cooking for your family. Eckhart Tolle says:

Realize that now is all there ever is; there is no past or future except as memory or anticipation in your mind.”

I have read that powerful statement over and over. When that fear starts to creep in, I just say those words and somehow it makes me feel better and calm. I must admit, some days are harder than others.

Anxiety is nothing more than self imposed fear of the unknown. It really seems to be the ailment of the 21st century. We are all in such a hurry and busy that we forget to think about ourselves and our happiness.

How many times have you pulled in your driveway and you do not remember the drive home? That is because you were thinking about the children’s schedule, what am I going to cook for dinner, oh and the laundry needs to be done and I must finish the project for work. Along the way, you missed the flowers along the side of the road, the person smiling at you in the car next to you, the color of the sky, the smell of fresh mowed grass, and the songs on your playlist. Or perhaps a song or two on your playlist reminded you of a earlier time with someone and so went your mind in that direction. You get my point.

A few years ago, I felt so anxious about my life as it was literally spinning out of control before my eyes. I started drinking heavily and abusing my prescribed anxiety medication and that made everything that much worse. Following a nervous breakdown and my life, as I knew it, falling apart, I took may steps back and analyzed what I thought I was loosing. I was shocked, it was not the life I wanted. I remember falling apart in a group session while hospitalized for the nervous breakdown and remarking I was sad I could no longer buy 5 dozen eggs. Well, the reality is, I still can, I can bake and cook for others. Just because my family now consists of me, my two sons are grown and no longer live with me, I will be OK! What a great opportunity I have before me to give back on a large scale daily!! Just relax and breath, everything is on its way as it supposed to.

When we try to overthink and force things, that is when anxiety comes for a visit. Remember, anxiety and hurry are wicked step sisters. It is all a process to shift your perspective to a calm positive state of being. JUST SIMPLY…….stop, relax, breath and say to yourself, I am so happy and grateful, everything is on it way!~Shirene

Another amazing Super Mero Sunday! #SuperMero2day

Today we write about another Super Mero. A Super Mero is someone that puts forth the effort to be the best version of themselves for them self and for others. Patience Salgado was recently featured in O magazine as a local hero for the amazing things she is creating in her home town of Richmond, Virginia.

It is truly remarkable the amazing smiles Patience is creating in her community from writing chalk messages in front of schools to leaving random notes of inspiration on residents door steps. Here are just a few of her ideas you may wish to try within your community:

*She and her Mero team enjoy ringing a strangers doorbell leaving random gifts or flowers with notes on their doorstep.

*She places gift certificates for ice cream cones in the pocket of backpacks during back to school time in departments stores.

*Tie messages of encouragement to flowers, candy canes, pumpkins or leave inside give away Easter eggs. Whatever the season is and leave the items and the notes randomly through out the community.

It seems she was brought up giving back to her community deliver meals, visiting hospitals etc. That is exactly what she is role modeling to her children. She constantly encourages others to do their own acts of kindness. She even founded Pennies in Protest, encouraging residents to donate to organizations being targeted with hate crimes. They have raised over $14,000!

What a blessing she is to herself, her friends, her family and to those around her! Patience Salgado, mother of 4 children, you are truly a Super Mero! Thank you for all you do and your constant efforts to make our world a better place!~Shirene

Being alive is special #OCCASION enough.

How many times have you heard the phrase “I’m saving this for a special occasion.” To me, that is a hard no! Being alive is special occasion enough. Every day is a day to celebrate opening your eyes.

All my adult life I have believed that every day is Valentines day, Gift giving day (Christmas), Mothers day and Fathers day. Years ago I had a friend that would just give me something special just because it was Thursday. This idea really turned my life in a fabulous direction! Wherever she is in the world, thank you CA! Remember, I grew up in a wonderful family, but everything was planned. I am sure my parents had it on their calendar what day to have sex. Yes, I did just say that! You get my point, right?

I have completely embraced this philosophy and raised my two sons to live in this world. We do things for each other and buy gifts just because its Thursday, or Monday or Friday. Once we reach a certain age and can really buy anything we want, what really then is the point of gifts? Other than it is always nice to receive a little something. My childhood friend randomly sent me a beautiful silver bracelet in the mail this year for my birthday! I love it and wear it constantly. Thank you Jean! Again, you get my point, we do not need a Hallmark holiday to do something random and inspirational for someone. Do it just because you want to.

To me this is what it looks and feels like to live a random inspirational life. I know not everyone likes a random world. Please do not misunderstand, there is a great deal of routine in my life. I have my spiritual daily routine and my hot yoga work out daily routine. These two things are non negotiable. I work my life around these two daily routines.

OK, so one of the funny random things I enjoy doing, is getting all dressed up, often as fancy as possible, just to go to the grocery store. Remember, I work from home. So getting dressed in something other than my pajamas is a luxury! But the looks I get when this 6’2 blonde walks into a store at 11am with my hair perfectly coiffed hair, makeup, heels and a beautiful dress. I see the moms with their look of what the hell, its 11am am I missing something?

My point is, eat the cupcake, take the trip, tell someone you love and adore them. People, we only have one chance, one life and everyday is a special OCCASION! Make everyday Valentines Day for your loved ones. Make everyday Mothers day and Fathers day. You have my permission!~Shirene

Is there really such a thing as #PERFECT?

My word today is PERFECT. I found myself thinking as I wrote the word on my page in my journal dated September 5, 2019. Is there really such a thing as Perfect? Interesting I thought that this is my word today as I was having a conversation with a friend last night that I struggle with perfectionism.

I know the Universe speaks to us in amazing ways. I was leaving a store earlier today and saw on the side of a car “The Perfect Marriage.” I immediately thought, seriously? A Perfect marriage? Is there even sch a thing as perfect? I think perfect is a made up word perpetuated by Hollywood that we must have the perfect home, in the perfect neighborhood, with the perfect family. No wonder Zanex is the drug of the 2000’s. I think we are all struggling with competing with some form of perfect competition. STOP!

For me, there are certain things I must do in order to feel good about myself. When I am working from home in my pajamas, I always put on my lips. For me, even though I am not from the outside looking put together, by having my lips on, I feel put together. To me this is different than having to have perfect hair, perfect skin, perfect polished shoes, the perfect car, the perfect handbag. These are superficial levels of perfection. What we feel on the inside is what matters at the end of the day.

Perfectionism only breeds anxiety and fear which are evil step sisters! We are enough! We are always perfect within ourselves no matter what we are doing. We are all perfect every moment of the day in a very imperfect world. And it is the imperfections that mean we are alive, authentic and real!~Shirene

Thank you for always exceeding my #EXPECTATIONS!

What and how do you start your day? First we open our eyes! Thank you god! Then we bounce outta bed and begin our day. What if after opening your eyes, you got yourself in the habit of being grateful for opening those eyes?

Over the course of the last few months I have chosen to start my day, after opening my eyes, with two simple phrases

Thank you for always exceeding my expectations!” AND What would you have me do? Where would you have me go? What would you have me say and to whom?

This automatically sets my day in the direction of gratitude. Throughout my day when something wonderful happens, I always say this phrase either out loud or in my head. But either way, it is now a part of who I am!

When we have friends and family that are taken to the great beyond far too soon, it makes some of us rethink the time we have on this earth. And I am here to tell you, I am not wasting my time! My friends and family all know how very much I love, adore and appreciate them! Tell them, don’t wait, let everyone in your circle know you love and adore them!!

I refuse to be involved with ANYTHING that is not life giving! This includes people, places and possessions. Sure there are the things we must do like laundry, dishes, walk the dog, make dinner, but all these are things to be celebrated because we are able to do them.

Think and talk about what you have and NOT what you don’t have. I am so happy and grateful I am able to purchase laundry soap and a beautiful washer/dryer to spend time with my clothes. I am so happy and grateful I am able to have beautiful white dishes to enjoy my fabulous meal, that I just cooked with my own hands while standing over a my beautiful cookware. I am so happy and grateful I am able to walk my dog for distances mutually chosen. See, everything is just a matter of perspective. I can spin it positive, or I can spin it negative. It is all a choice. But it does take work and constant practice to see gratitude rather than just accept what is.

I always go back to how children are so happy with a card board box. They could have 20hundred toys to entertain themselves, but the ones they gravitate to are the simple things, the box, or the pots and pans. It affirms that it is the positive simplicity they want. We loose that as we grow. We become busy and forget the simple things in life. Then if we are lucky, life derails us back to being grateful for simple things like walking the dog, washing your face without falling over, being able to see your loved ones. This is what life is about. Be kind, be grateful and most important appreciate every moment, life is NOT guaranteed!

I am so happy and grateful for always exceeding my expectations!~Shirene

Invest in yourself and your mind constantly, the dividends you receive from your investment will compound in a short period of time!

Welcome to Super Mero Sunday!

A few weeks back i saw an amazing post on Instagram. It was about a young woman, Kay Whitlay, that was asked constantly why she was a nanny. “Don”t you want to do something else with your life?” She also heard…..”I could NEVER do what you do!” She would just laugh. She is this weeks perfect Super Mero with what she is doing to inspire herself and those around her.

We all want to be Super Heros. I have never understood why would we want to be someone else. So why not be that Super version of yourself, for yourself and for the world? Instead of wanting someone to look at you like you are the best thing in the world, why not look at yourself as if you are the best thing in the world. Keep your super power inside you and be a Super Mero!

Kay embodies everything it is to be a true Super Mero! Being a nanny is not easy and comes with great responsibility, as they are shaping our adults of tomorrow. Her words speak volumes for who she is…… “You see I have always wanted to make an impact. Big or small, YOUR actions (YES, you) can change the world. If I can impact these kiddos-who knows what impact chain will take over.” Please, can we all choose to be like this?

Her favorite shirt reads I CAN AND I WILL! She is wearing it in the picture that caught my attention on Instagram.

This fabulous young woman, is set on making an inspirational ripple impact with herself, the world, and most important the 3 work children she is with constantly. Imagine being the PARENTS of these children, after they found this truly inspiring young woman? They have a compassionate care giver for their children that is setting an amazing example of what it is to be a good steward of life. She is also feeding the children a steady diet of motivational rhetoric. Can’t you just hear the daily dialogue she has with these children, given some of the words she has posted on her Instagram:.

“Our thoughts are freaking powerful! If you had a microphone, would we all hear about how much you love yourself? Or how much you’re struggling? Start paying attention to it. The lies we believe limit us so much when in reality….the truth helps us understand the facts.”

“Your BEAUTIFUL! on the inside and outside. You’re enough. You can do anything you set your mind to-just make sure your mind had the kind of power that comes from TRUTH. The truth will set you free, always. If you needed to hear how awesome you are today, her it is!”

“Realize YOU have the power to set boundaries. YOU have the power to be kind. YOU have the power to be respectful. YOU have the power to choose love!” We can’t control others words or thoughts…….But thank GOD we have control of ourselves.”

Clearly, she knows the importance of speaking to children as if they are the most important people in the world. We can speak anything good and bad into existence! Just be careful of the words you choose.

Here is to Kay Whitlay, a very powerful, dynamic, young woman that is inspiring herself, the world, and everyone that is blessed to cross her path! Thank you for all you do and for being you! You are our Super Mero Kay!~Shirene

What do you #APPRECIATE today?

Create the life life you can’t wait to wake up to. What and how does this look to you? How does it feel? What excites you? What lights you up from the inside? For me, it is about what I can give back and how can I make the life around me better. The phrase there is ALWAYS something to be grateful for has always resonated with me, how about you? Even when we are deep in the trenches of life, there is ALWAYS something to be grateful for. You opened your eyes today is a great start!

As a child I remember not wanting to sleep because I did not want to miss a moment life had to offer me. That wonderment we have as children is often misplaced as we grow through our lives. The dreaded bills start pilling up, hand cuffs come on as I like to call it, and we start focusing on what we don’t have versus what we do have.

It used to be the newest handbag that made me smile and I thought made me happy. Seriously people, my priorities were way outta wack. What good is that 300$ bag going to do at the end of my life when I am greeted by the person I could have been? Will she be standing there with a truck load of handbags and shoes behind her? Instead,I will be greeted by a kind loving beautiful woman, she will be standing there with stamped passports in hand and a smile on her face and in her heart knowing that she lived a life of random motivational inspiration!

This is what lights me up from the inside and enables me to appreciate where I am and where I am going! This is the life I am creating that excites me to get out of bed everyday! We hear this often, we have one life, don’t waste it! Don’t waste it focusing on what you do not have! The 50 hundred bills and the lack of this that and the other thing. I ASK YOU………Who the hell cares? I am not saying don’t pay your bills and make your grocery lists of what you need, what I am saying is be grateful for what you have! Focus on what you have, where you are and what you are doing to make yourself better and those around you!

I get so excited to tell someone when they exceed my expectations or are able to assist me in some way, '“You are my hero, thank you!” How would you feel if someone said that to you? Think about this, we all want to be heard and feel valued. If someone said that to you, would you feel heard and valued? Of course you would. Try it, you will be surprise!!

What are you doing to create and appreciate your life that makes you jump out of bed in the morning?~Shirene