Sometimes, good things fall apart so better things can fall #TOGETHER.

How many of you love and adore everything about yourself? How many of
you would like to love and adore everything about yourself and really
live the life of your dreams?

You can live a life of happiness, self love and full of dreams! This life requires starting with your daily thoughts.
Everything begins with a thought. Do you realize that relationships and happiness
are 100% your responsibility, you cannot change your partner, boss,
friend or family member, but you can change yourself. As humans, we
are not able to create anything without a thought impulse. By mixing
the thought with imagination, the thoughts can be created into plans.
These thought impulses both positive and negative are reaching the
subconscious mind constantly. We are NOT taught to think, instead we
are taught to accept what we are told. We are taught to memorize
words so we may pass tests, we are taught to accept what is, on a day to day
reality. Where would we be if Henry ford did not have a thought of
transportation? Where would we be if the Wright Brothers did not have
the thought of flight? Uh, none of us would be here, or at the very
least….we would be still walking everywhere and it would take forever to get to grandmas house!

The quality of our life is directly
related to our
*****let me say that again, The quality of our life is directly related to these 8 elelments.
Thinking is the hardest and most exhausting of everyday life. We can
NEVER move forward until we begin to think.

In order to change our
thoughts, we must first get a new mental picture of ourselves. What
does that look like…..After my life went sideways, I really had to ask
myself this question. I kept seeing myself in college and kept
remembering how freaking amazing I felt on the outside and most
important on the inside! That was a time in my life I developed the
most self love I could have imagined. I loved who I was and the
things I could create. If there was something I wanted, I got it. I had friends
everywhere, I only dated the University of Oregon football players and
would not settle for any nonsense. By that I mean, if a guy so much
as treated me with any form of disrespect, that was it. I excused
myself and said, time for me to move on. See, I was that BADASS bitch that
believed with my whole heart that it was a privilege to be with me and I
am the prize. After all, I am 6'2, a child of a former beauty queen, with an amazing kind
personality to match, how on earth could anyone not want to be with
Now, there is a difference between being that self absorbed
narcissistic person and really loving yourself and believing you
always deserve the best life has to offer.
The phrases we repeatedly hear become convictions and the thoughts we
repeatedly think become habitual, and make us who we are. The purpose
in getting a new mental picture of who you are and taking the mental
exercise that you may think certain thoughts over and over until you
form a habit of thinking them. This will be your thought all the
The subconscious mind functions voluntarily whether you make any effort
to influence it or not. The subconscious mind is 30,000 times more
powerful that your conscious mind. It can only be voluntarily
directed by habit. Habit causes a thought change to become part of
who you are. Change begins with one thought. If you were to take
that thought continued over the course of 21 days starts a purposeful
change. Over the course of 66 days, the change has evolved into a
routine, then over the course of the next 24 days with a total of 90
days, the thought impulse is now part of who you are as a person. It
is really 90 days that makes the change. Then you can build on that.
It is important to give each habit enough time to develop. The world
is ruled by the habits that we have.
Do you realize we are hit with 11 million pieces of information a
MINUTE! Our brains can ONLY absorb 40 pieces a minute. This is pivotal
as the rest of that information is absorbed into your sub con ….that is
a huge disparity!
The subconscious mind functions voluntarily whether you make any
effort to influence it or not. Thought impulses, both positive and
negative are reaching the subconscious mind constantly. If we
naturally suggest thoughts of fear and poverty, that is what will feed
into your subconscious unless you master the
habit of your desire. According to ancient wisdom, everything on the
physical plane is simply a manifestation of something on the
metaphysical plane. When physical pain is present. this is the divine
warning there is emotional work that needs to be done. It has been
proven that whatever parts of our bodies we are suffering physical
pain from, they are linked to the emotional work we need to do. For
instance, lest look at knees and back issues.
Knee issues involve our pride and fear. Pain here is associated with
our reluctance to admit fear. Knees can also represent humility,
which is he wisdom to just surrender.
Lower back pain is linked with emotional support-financial support,
emotional support of family and friends, and support of the Divine.
Pain here may also indicate over commitment, that we may have taken on
more than we can handle. It is all interrelated in some form or
Remember when I said, everything begins with a thought? We are either
thinking or engaging in an activity to silence the thoughts. There is
NO in-between. Most people spend the majority of their leisure time
running away from thought. I used to be petrified of my own thoughts
and being alone with myself. I was guilty of always have the radio or
television on when I was at home. It is physically impossible to
really think without the power of silence. This is a perfect example,
you are driving in the car, spottily is playing your favorite
playlist, and all of a sudden you realize, you are lost. What is the
first thing we generally do, we turn down the music.

When we turn down the music, we are silencing
the noise around us so we are able to do what? Think!

Happiness begins with what we tell our selves daily and depends on 3 things. We must first make a choice to take a chance so that we may make a change. And the keys to happiness are in our
own pocket, not someone else's.
Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together~Shirene

There is never any end to #GROWTH

Why is it, our culture has bought into the idea that once we hit our 40’s and older it is all down hill. I believe with every breath I take, there is never any end to growth, be it mentally, physically, or spiritually. When we stop growing, we die.

How is it, that two of my friends whose husbands have just retired from their same job of 40+ years, are now needing hospice and or 24 hour care? I will never retire, because that almost seems like a death sentence. What is the point of retiring, I mean really? So you can sit around and do nothing? Not have a routine? Not have somewhere to go? That is a hard NOPE for me!

Many of us are creatures of habit. And these two husbands are a prime example of that. Over the course of the last 40+ years, everyday they probably woke up at the same time, ate the same breakfast, drank from the same coffee cup, drove the same way to work, had the same lunch, went to the same place for vacation, everything was the same. They had a habit, a routine, may be boring to some, but none the less, it was their routine. Now they literally have nothing, or so they were unable to build a new routine. Perhaps it was just to frightening at the thought of not having that comfort of habit. Who knows, but my heart truly goes out to them and their families. What they thought their retirement life was going to be is surely not at all ending up to be that.

When age intersects their habit, somehow we buy into the thought process it is time to retire. But why? Is this what society expects? American Airlines oldest flight attendant is Bette Nash, she is 84 and the oldest flight attendant in the world. She clearly has seen no reason to retire. I will never retire. I will take my passport and laptop with me to the other side as I will always be traveling and creating something new!

I read an article today about a Nobel prize winner that made a discovery about single cell animals living indefinitely. Dr. Alexis Carrel in 1912 took tissue from an embryo chick heart, placed it in a culture medium. It lived and grew fr 30 years until they got tired of tending to it and threw it out. In this article it also went on to say that cells regenerate themselves every few days. There is not a piece of tissue, bone, or cell in our bodies that is older than 11 months. Our minds get in the way and tell us what we should or should not be.

So, I challenge you. Pick up a book, read 2 pages today, then 3 tomorrow, then 4 the next day till you are consistently reading 10 pages everyday. I read the 10 pages before meditation, or at bedtime. I like keeping it to 10 pages as it is quick and I can digest the thoughts I just read easily.

Get out of your chair or off the couch and walk out the front door to the curb. Then tomorrow. walk to the end of the block, then to the next block, then the next day around the block. My point being, stretch yourself until you are walking briskly for 30 minutes everyday.

Next, and most important, I want you to get a stack of sticky notes. WRITE THE FOLLOWING…….







Now, place these somewhere that you will look at them over and over though out the day!

You know what you have just done? You are taking the necessary steps to ensure THERE IS NEVER ANY END TO GROWTH IN YOUR LIFE!~Shirene

Is it really reality or your #PERCEPTION that creates a reaction?

Nothing in the world can bother you as much as your own mind. In fact,
others seem to be bothering you, but it is not others it is your own
mind.~Dalai Lama

It is just amazing the things we can create in our own minds.
Remember when you were a child and you were at lunch or walking down
the hall and the children laughed as you walked by? I sure do.

How many times did we think they were laughing about us? I did most
times. It took most of my early life to realize, they probably were not
laughing at me, but just were discussing something extra silly and
coincidentally laughed as I walked by. The truth is, it was my
perception of what was happening.

Now, if I think someone is laughing
about me, one, I don't care what anyone thinks, and two, I hold their
power because they care enough to laugh.
Every experience, conversation, and feeling is up to us to react to or
remain seated and calm. I truly cannot express the importance of this
and what a great life lesson it has been for me.
Where do we learn the importance of perception and how to shift our
thoughts? There is no class in this? Do we have to wait till our
life falls off the rails to realize the importance of this?

I believe
that without this realization of perception and constant practice of
shifting our thoughts, it is easy to slide into victim mode and where
does that leave you?
Changing our thoughts is the only thing we as humans have complete
control over. There is nothing else in this world we can have
complete control over. Think about it, you cannot change someone
else's thoughts or behavior. We can only choose what to think and how that plays into our perception of a situation or a person. We can choose positive thoughts, or deep dive to a
world of negativity and despair. It is all a choice.

Do you realize
it is just as easy to think happy positive thoughts as it is to think
negative thoughts? It all takes work and is a choice.
After my nervous breakdown hospitalized me for 5 days. I called it my wonderful stay-cation. I learned a great coping mechanism that has completely turned my life around. I have shared this with many friends who have all adopted this new thought process.

Flip switch is a transitional thought process that distracts from the negative inner dialogue we all struggle with. It is a great way to shift your thoughts easily and
effortlessly. When the thoughts of self deprivation enter your mind
simply think about how much you love your hair, or your beautiful
smile, or your beautiful children. This really works. It is like when a child is crying uncontrollably and you hand him or her a cookie, they usually stop. Why do they stop? They are distracted. It is no longer about what upset them and made them cry in the first place, it is now about the happiness of a cookie. OK, don’t get me started on the whole food issues bred from feeding our feelings and distractions, but you get it!

Here is a great analogy. Imagine you are driving on a
straight road and a cat runs across the road in front of you? Are you
going to hit it? Are you going to swerve to avoid hitting it? Of
course you are going to swerve as best you can without causing and accident. Your thoughts are the same as driving on that road and the
cat running in front of you.

For example, you are going about your
day and walk by a mirror and there is that stomach hanging over your
shorts. Ok, you know it is there, but do you give it energy and beat
yourself up the rest of the day? Nope, say to yourself, I love my
hair, I love my hair, I love my hair. It takes practice and the more
you do it, the easier it will be! Trust me. Soon, when a negative thought enters your head, it will be your new habit to say to yourself, I love my hair, I love my hair.
So, leave the perception behind and remain seated, the reality is
whatever you create it to be, good bad or indifferent, it is all a choice!~Shirene

What do you do when you wake up in a world of #CHAOS?

Do you panic? Do you remain calm? What do you do?

So this morning, I woke up, thank you god another day I get to enjoy my life!
After my morning spiritual routine of meditation, inspirational reading and continuing to build my inner dialogue while brushing my teeth (#TheToothbrushProject2day), my espresso machine decided not to work. Next I realized the rental van was parked behind my car and the keys were no where to be found. Hmm, now what?

Then I went to take a shower, and there was no hot water. Seriously? Seems Mr.
repair man decided to replace the element in the hot water heater and all the hot water was previously drained. Hmm, I missed the memo for all this.
At the end of the day, what are ya gonna do? Why get upset about things you cannot control? Clearly, non of this was in my control.

As far as the shower, I know for sure, I could turn the water on cold and Luke warm comes out for quite awhile. I live in freakin
Arizona for heavens sake. There is no such thing as ice cold tap water.

My clothing has shrunk in length because
the water is so warm out of the tap. Even though I say I want a cold
water wash, it is luke warm at best.
With that said, I decided to hop in…..I was good for about 6 minutes.
My point being, what do yo do when life throws you a curve ball
instead of a straight pitch? You catch it regardless.
The law of creation involves the the law of growth. So, when things
are a bit chaotic, it is the Universe saying, "Hello, it is time to
stretch and grow!" In the moment, what good does it do to react?
There is nothing I can do to change it? So, why react? I am just
relinquishing my power. My happiness and my control. Why would I do
that? It doesn't matter in the scheme of
When I went to turn on the shower, I literally thought, hmm, how fun this all is, it is a gentle reminder that I am alive and well. How blessed am I that I have running water in a nice air conditioned home. This chaos could have been put in my way this morning to keep me from emotional of physical harm in someway during my day. It could have also been put in my way as a gentle reminder of how very blessed I am.
The sooner we recognize
this, the better!

It is a scientific fact that everything is energy.
When our souls and our energy are out of alignment, that is when chaos really appears. Accidents happen and our lives are completely derailed.. I thought in 2015 I was just depressed, I was crying all the time and I thought it was that my business was failing, my physical well being was suffering, and all I wanted to do was drive off a bridge.

The truth is, my soul was completely out of alignment. We as humans, can only stuff so much emotional baggage and then at some point, it starts to overflow into other parts of our life. It seems I had stuffed my emotional baggage for so many years, I could not do it anymore. Also, my soul knew and deep down I knew, but ignored the signs, that my then husband was doing what he did best, cheat.

Remember the next time you are experiencing chaos, be grateful. It is trying to save you and or teach you something. I know I am able to great each day with excitement and gratitude with or without chaos!~Shirene

Do we really learn by #PRACTICE?

I firmly believe we really learn by practice. This applies to everything from changing our thoughts to walking. It just takes one idea or thought to make a behavior or action happen. But first, we must practice over and over till we perfect our new skill, or thoughts. It takes one thought to make a change, it takes 21 days until that thought becomes a behavior, it takes 66 days till that behavior becomes a habit and it takes 90 days till that behavior becomes a part of who you are.

Did anyone ever see a toddler pull himself up and just start walking? No, the toddler learned through practice, practice and more practice. The toddler gets up time and time again after falling numerous times. Every time they fall they don’t say to themselves, “Self that was really hard, we cant do this!” Instead, the toddler gets right back up and continues to practice walking over and over, until soon, look out, he is running everywhere and mom and dad are now in trouble.

Why is it that we forget this basic principle as we age. We as a society become so very judgmental of ourselves and those around us. People, cut yourself some slack. Relax. Do you think the greatest Olympic athletes woke up one day and said……..”I am going to break a world record today?” Of course they did after years and years of discipline and practice.

The best thing I can offer you is the routine practice of kindness for yourself and your fellow man.

For me. the last four years has been the hardest struggle and the best struggle of my entire life. It took a nervous breakdown and my life completely derailing for me to rediscover the routine practice of true simple gratitude. I mean the kind of gratitude that I am happy to be breathing and have the ability to walk and do the simplest things in life. See there was a time in my life I could not stand on my own two feet without falling over. What a humbling experience to live in a world of I can’t. The daily life routine was more about what I could not do than what I could do.

For me, the practice of true gratitude, is not about the bag I have on my arm or the steering wheel I hold onto, it is about practicing kindness and gratitude throughout my day. Eventually the newness of all thinfs fade and complacency sets in. True gratitude starts with me standing in front of the mirror brushing my teeth and telling myself I am strong I am kind and I am surrounded by abundance and love as I walk through my day. It also is talking to yourself in the mirror as you pass by……..”Hey look at you, you are just such a gorgeous person.” I also have my daily prayer practice:

Where would you have me go?

What would you have me do?

What would you have me say and to whom?

Thank you universe for taking this and showing me what you want me to know!

Turn off the noise around you and listen to what you are being told. I have never in my life spent so much time in silence as I have over the course of the last 4 years. Noise distracts our thoughts as we cannot think deeply with the radio or tv on. Think about it, the last time you were lost driving in your car, what did you do? You probably turned down the volume on the radio, or told whoever you talking to via blue tooth, gotta go and focus on where i am going. Right? Well it is the same thing with your self and your thoughts.

If we need an answer to whatever is in front of us, literally, all we must do is ask the question and the answer will produce itself. The Universe is always speaking! The true practice is in the learning to receive what we are being told. I am astounded at the ideas that have come to me in silence. That is why i like to travel so much. Is for me it is the clarity of new surroundings and the being uncomfortable in a new situation that creates excitement and breeds new ideas. This is living for me!

Practice saying the word NO, when it is not life giving or in alignment with our purpose. It is so easy to loose ourselves in friends and family that will literally suck the life out of us. We must stay the course of self care and practice telling ourselves we are the most important person in our life. It is not everyone else, yes they are important, but YOU are the most important person in your life! Read that again!

I believe this saying with all of my heart……..when we are uncomfortable, we are growing and just need to listen and pay attention to what we are being shown, and when we are comfortable we are dying a slow death. So let me ask you this? Are you practicing being uncomfortable or are you practicing being comfortable.?~Shirene

Let's use more words like............

Fantastic, Amazing, Fabulous, Brilliant, and Wonderful! Read those words again! Whenever a stranger asks me how I am, I always respond with Fabulous. See my father told me a long time ago, “Shirene, nobody really cares how you are, just inspire them for a moment and say you are Fabulous or Wonderful!” That is what I do now.

Although, when I am not Fabulous or Wonderful and someone I know asks me, I may simply say, I don’t think I like that question right now. See I do not like to give negative energy power. We all know that if you say “Im tired” what happens, you tell yourself that over and over and guess what………you are tired. Don’t get me wrong, we can be actually tired from time to time, but PLEASE not all the time.

I think it is important to not own negative energy or ailments. I have experienced my share of aches and pains and physical ailments, but mark my words, this girl will be traveling until the day I die! Nothing will hold me back. And I certainly will not allow negative energy to hold me back!

Lets drill down on the previous 5 words:

Fantastic: Extraordinarily good or attractive

Amazing: Startlingly impressive

Fabulous: Extraordinary

Brilliant: Clever and talented.

Wonderful: Inspiring delight.

These are all what I call claiming words. When you claim you are Fantastic, think of all the positive energy you are attaching to that? You are basically saying I am happy and positive! Now, lets turn it around. Do you want to claim the words EXHAUSTED, TIRED, AWFUL, CANT WONT AND TRY? For me that is a hard NO! There is nothing life giving about any of those words. In fact, the words are life taking.

Think about this, we have a limited amount of time on this earth, do you want to spend it claiming negative energy? I truly believe, when you surround yourself with the best, you become the best! As individuals, we must protect our energy. Do you understand what I mean when I say that? Everything is temporary and if we become attached to the negative, then that is what we will carry in our thoughts, emotions, and behavior.

Everything is a choice, including who we hang out with, how kind you are to others, thoughts and beliefs just to name a few. Claim and own your life, and whatever it is you want. If you want and expect a fabulous life, then that is what you shall have. If you want and expect a struggled tired life of I can’ts, then that is what you will have! This is all plain and simple physics. We are all made of energy! So, lets commit to using more words like FANTASTIC, AMAZING, FABULOUS, BRILLIANT, AND WONDERFUL, and lets see how things start to feel! Please share your experiences with us at #MyCatch2Day!~Shirene

It all begins with the words we speak..............

The most important thing we can do as parents and grandparents, is to speak to your children as if they are the wisest, kindest, most beautiful and magical humans on earth, for what they believe is what they become. Now, just imagine for a moment, speaking the same things to ourselves daily, what a wonderful astounding world this would be to live in!

I remember a few times growing up when my mother, would make a big deal out of the fact we would shop in the chubby section. Imagine what that does to a young girls emotional state. Nope, we cant shop in the normal section for clothing, but, we have to shop in the chubby section. First of all, why in the hell would a store name a clothing section chubby anyway? Times were different in the 70’s for sure. I was constantly shammed about the food I could and could not eat. To the point that I developed a case of anorexia. In high school I was 6’2 and weighed 140. I was all skin and bones. I was ashamed about how I looked and thought I weighed 300 pounds! I know my mother did the best she could. I do not sing the blame song.

I NEVER wanted to shame my boys for anything they did or did not do. Much less the food they ate! We all have emotional baggage and I truly believe we can break the cycle of our parents. The more conscientious we are of our word choices, the better. However, it all takes great work and effort to pay attention to what you are paying attention to.

Remember this, good energy is contagious and you never know you needs you! So the more we pay attention to our words and the kinder we are to one another, the better our world will be! It all begins with the power of one and the words we speak!~Shirene

Things we forget to teach our children..............

Here is a question to ponder, we school our children in history, math and language, BUT forget about happiness, respect, strength and health… my opinion, the most important values in life.

Why is it that these values are not important? I think the huge disconnect in our society began when we began to choose things over people. My BMW, or my new Luis Vuitton $8500 bag really loves me ……….said NO ONE EVER! All these things used to matter to me, until I had my first child. It was beaten into my head that I must have an amazing career and to hell with the family. See that was the role model I had grown up with. She was not my biological mind you. But non the less, it was my role model in my immediate family. My grandmother was from another era and she took care of the family. So, I literally was caught in the middle of both fabulous worlds.

When I had my first son, all that mattered was that child. I wanted to stay home and be the most amazing mother I had ever known and truly wanted. The life of stuff as I had known it, was over. I wanted the best for my child and soon two sons that they were the only thing that mattered. I could eat mac n cheese for the rest of my life if it meant I could be there for them and develop two amazing humans. Which by the way, they are the best humans that I know. Soon after my second son was born, their father and I divorced. There I was, no job and a stay at home mom. How could I reinvent myself so I could remain home with them and be the best mother ever?

I started my own business and developed other women to be able to be home with their families just like me. I arranged my schedule so I really only worked when they were with their father. The rest of the time we were together playing and having fun. I instilled good values and morals in my boys. We sat at the table for every meal and did not sit in front of the television. We talked about anything and everything. I spoke about sex and all that could drag along with that since they were barely walking. My boys will not be fathers at a young age! I am not and will not judge others, I just know what is acceptable for my family.

I taught by example what it is to manifest your best life and not just accept mediocrity. I taught my boys to always want more from life, by that I mean excitement, adventure, experiences and above all, stamps in your passport. Since they were little they have relatively been self sufficient like I was growing up. They put them selves through college, bought and paid for their own vehicles, I can honestly say, I do not remember a time when either asked for money. I have purchased groceries and other things for them not because they asked, but because I want to and it is important to me.

One of the most important things I think I have instilled in them is the importance of inner dialogue. I believe that this is our key to happiness, respect, health and strength. What we say to ourselves constantly is more important that the things we do and say with our outside voice. I have always told them that in our family, if we can dream it, we can do it! We will never use the words try or cant. Even today, when one of them says, if I do this………then they catch themselves or I rephrase their words for them. Claim it as it is already yours! No exceptions. When I………I am……….I will……….are all words to claim it as already yours!

I am on a mission to instill this to the world………….stand back and watch me go! I will have every child believing in the power of The Super Mero and believing they are happy and be able to carry that strength throughout their lives. Yes, they will stumble, but be able to get right back up and continue on in the world! No child ever just stood up at the age of 9 months and walked like he had been walking all his life. Every child gets up and falls down 20 hundred times! We must carry this thought through out our lives that it is OK to fall, we just need to get back up and keep going and stop beating ourselves up.

Yes, math, history, and language are all important, but lets remember to instill values of strength, respect, health, and happiness in our children. Without the latter, all we have is stuff and at the end of the day, who needs more stuff!~Shirene

New rules of Kindness...................

Imagine a world if all of us adopted these new RULES OF KINDNESS:

*Tip your server an extra $2-$10.

*Pick up a piece of trash.

*Smile at a stranger.

*Compliment a complete stranger.

*Send a random text to someone in your contacts list….”Just thinking of you and wanted you to know that you are absolutely amazing!”

*Hold the door open for someone.

*Let someone in your lane.

Do you know that small acts of kindness have ripple effects? This is how we can change the world, one person at a time.

Yesterday I was chatting with a friend who was remarking how she had said to someone in the gym how much she liked the leggings this gal had on. The woman apparently did not know what to do with the compliment and just looked at my friend like she was an alien and had just insulted her. My friends take away from this experience was well maybe I should not compliment others?

Seriously, this is what our world has become? When as a society, we cannot even pay someone a compliment with out it being offensive? I personally find this utterly offensive that another individual would be offended with me paying them a compliment. I truly believe, if as a society, we could put aside the social media for a moment, turn of the news, put our phones away for a day and reconnect with one another, this is what needs to happen.

There have been two mass shootings within the last 24 hours and this really has spun my kindness meter out of control. What drives people to behave like this? Are they craving attention? Again, if we could as a society come together and be kind to each other and most important to ourselves with the inner dialogue we have, I truly believe these kinds of heart breaking incidents would be a thing of the past.

We cannot allow ourselves to live in fear while performing everyday activities like grocery shopping, or riding the train to work, or spending a nice evening together with family having ice cream. At the risk of being 6’6 and standing on my 4 inch soap box (I am 6’2!), we must get a grip on ourselves and somehow some way commit to being kinder to ourselves and those around us!

I think we can all agree, and even admit, that some of the things we routinely say to ourselves, in the privacy of our own heads, we would NEVER say to another individual EVER! So, I ask you, why in the world is it OK to say these things to ourselves? This is abuse plain and simple. But somehow, we are able to justify these negative words in that they are not crossing our lips and saying them to another person!

Need I remind you, that we are the most amazing human being ever to walk this earth. We all need to pay attention to what we are reading, watching, listening to, and who we are hanging out with. All this feeds into our souls and the energy we feel. I know I speak a great deal about energy, but it is a scientific fact that everything is energy. Marcone knew this when he invented the radio. EVERYTHING IS ENERGY! So, when you read about murder and destruction, that is what your subconscious feeds on.

Our brains take in 11 million pieces of information a minute. Our brains can only absorb 40 pieces of the 11 million pieces in a minute. What do you think happens to the other pieces of information? Our subconscious locks in on it! READ that again! Let me tell you what I know for sure, when you surround yourself with the best you become the best!

Lets continue telling the woman at the gym how nice her leggings look, and smiling at the stranger standing in line at the market, and letting the person in ahead of us on the freeway. Smile at yourself in the mirror the next time you are washing your hands like you are the greatest person you have EVER met! Lets make an effort to really change the RULES of KINDNESS once and for all!~Shirene

Do words really hold power for us?

Ever really thought about the power of words? How they can really affect true change in our lives along with those around us?

Say to yourself, “I am fabulous with a side of spectacular.” Admit it, you cannot help but feel amazing, right? Ever heard the phrase, “be the change you want to see in the world?” I am living that change. Anytime, I can inspire someone or even myself to do and be a better person, you bet, I am doing it! The world needs more inspirational individuals that will enable a shift in the energy of the world. I promise you, it is just as easy to be positive than negative, it all takes the same amount of energy.

Recently, I was unloading my grocery cart at the market. It was the ungodly hour of 5:30 AM Lets be real, most of us at this hour are usually not so nice or happy, right? The nice checker asked me how I was, as most of us do to make small talk, not really even caring how the other person is. My reply was “I am fabulous with a side of spectacular!” The older gentleman in line behind me said he wanted to live in my world. I smiled and nicely replied, “you certainly can live in my world, it can be your world too, it is all a matter of perspective and choice.” When we drill down on this, it is all so very true! Thoughts are the only thing we have control over! I will choose positive vs negative all day!

See I have found that I must always maintain my energy and steer clear of anyone or anything negative. To the point that anyone I hang out with our is in my life by choice, EVEN family. I always ask myself, if this situation, person or thing life giving? If the answer is NO, well, then, out it goes!

Negativity is like a disease, it can spread very quick! Ever had that one friend that you hang out together and you just are exhausted and you did nothing but converse? UGH! For me, there is no room for negative energy, negative people and the word choices we, they, use all feed into the energy funnel. Pay attention to the words you use, and those around you use.

I love telling people that the words try AND maybe has been permanently removed from my vocabulary. There is no trying for me, you either will or you wont, plain and simple! Maybe is a word that is just as bad. You either will or you won’t! I grew up in a house where it seemed as though no one could ever make a decision. I constantly heard, well maybe, or hmm, we can try. PLEASE PEOPLE MAKE A DAMN DECISION!!

It seems as though try and maybe are two words that mean failing with honor. Most important, when I hear these words, it invokes a feeling of non~importance to me. Just say to me “hey, I really don’t care enough about you to make a decision either way.” Because, this is what you are saying when you respond with the words TRY and MAYBE.

So, have I got you thinking about the true power of words? Now say to yourself again, “I am fabulous with a side of spectacular!” How do you feel? A bit better hopefully than before you read this blog!

I would also like to take a moment and comment on what is going on in our world right now with all the random shootings and negativity! I just read on FB about a shooting in El Paso and my first reaction was, what is wrong with our society? Instead, I turned it around in that our world is crying for KINDNESS!!! Just please imagine for a moment if every single person took a pledge, like we all did with not texting and driving. If we all as a society agreed to everyday perform one random act of kindness, there would more happiness and less anxiety and chaos in our world.

Try saying to a random person something like this…….

“Hey those are some really great shoes you have on!”

“Hey that is a gorgeous smile you are wearing!” I still remember 20 years ago I was leaving a store and was really distraught about something personal I was experiencing in my life. This man was sitting outside and said to me…..”Hey, don’t forget to wear that gorgeous smile of yours, it is truly magical!!” I remember this like it was yesterday and how amazing it made me feel! Read that again!

“I just wanted to tell you how beautiful I think you are.”

“Thank you for working today and dealing with all of us.”

“Thank you so much for the laugh, I really needed that!”

These are all just little things you can say to someone and it will just literally lift them up and shift their energy, you can see it happen. The energy shift is truly magical to watch and to know that you had something to do with it! It could be what someone needs that is struggling with depression or anxiety. When you make an effort to brighten someones day, you can literally just feel their energy shift and yours. I enjoy trying to see how many people I can uplift when I am not feeling so good and on the edge of cranky land. It shifts my negative energy in a hot second in the right direction.

With that, can we please make an effort to do one random act of kindness daily and lets just see how the worlds energy will change! Thank you for taking the time and effort to read this…….I greatly appreciate you….please comment below or share with someone that may need an energy shift.~Shirene