How many of you love and adore everything about yourself? How many of
you would like to love and adore everything about yourself and really
live the life of your dreams?
You can live a life of happiness, self love and full of dreams! This life requires starting with your daily thoughts.
Everything begins with a thought. Do you realize that relationships and happiness
are 100% your responsibility, you cannot change your partner, boss,
friend or family member, but you can change yourself. As humans, we
are not able to create anything without a thought impulse. By mixing
the thought with imagination, the thoughts can be created into plans.
These thought impulses both positive and negative are reaching the
subconscious mind constantly. We are NOT taught to think, instead we
are taught to accept what we are told. We are taught to memorize
words so we may pass tests, we are taught to accept what is, on a day to day
reality. Where would we be if Henry ford did not have a thought of
transportation? Where would we be if the Wright Brothers did not have
the thought of flight? Uh, none of us would be here, or at the very
least….we would be still walking everywhere and it would take forever to get to grandmas house!
The quality of our life is directly
related to our
*****let me say that again, The quality of our life is directly related to these 8 elelments.
Thinking is the hardest and most exhausting of everyday life. We can
NEVER move forward until we begin to think.
In order to change our
thoughts, we must first get a new mental picture of ourselves. What
does that look like…..After my life went sideways, I really had to ask
myself this question. I kept seeing myself in college and kept
remembering how freaking amazing I felt on the outside and most
important on the inside! That was a time in my life I developed the
most self love I could have imagined. I loved who I was and the
things I could create. If there was something I wanted, I got it. I had friends
everywhere, I only dated the University of Oregon football players and
would not settle for any nonsense. By that I mean, if a guy so much
as treated me with any form of disrespect, that was it. I excused
myself and said, time for me to move on. See, I was that BADASS bitch that
believed with my whole heart that it was a privilege to be with me and I
am the prize. After all, I am 6'2, a child of a former beauty queen, with an amazing kind
personality to match, how on earth could anyone not want to be with
Now, there is a difference between being that self absorbed
narcissistic person and really loving yourself and believing you
always deserve the best life has to offer.
The phrases we repeatedly hear become convictions and the thoughts we
repeatedly think become habitual, and make us who we are. The purpose
in getting a new mental picture of who you are and taking the mental
exercise that you may think certain thoughts over and over until you
form a habit of thinking them. This will be your thought all the
The subconscious mind functions voluntarily whether you make any effort
to influence it or not. The subconscious mind is 30,000 times more
powerful that your conscious mind. It can only be voluntarily
directed by habit. Habit causes a thought change to become part of
who you are. Change begins with one thought. If you were to take
that thought continued over the course of 21 days starts a purposeful
change. Over the course of 66 days, the change has evolved into a
routine, then over the course of the next 24 days with a total of 90
days, the thought impulse is now part of who you are as a person. It
is really 90 days that makes the change. Then you can build on that.
It is important to give each habit enough time to develop. The world
is ruled by the habits that we have.
Do you realize we are hit with 11 million pieces of information a
MINUTE! Our brains can ONLY absorb 40 pieces a minute. This is pivotal
as the rest of that information is absorbed into your sub con ….that is
a huge disparity!
The subconscious mind functions voluntarily whether you make any
effort to influence it or not. Thought impulses, both positive and
negative are reaching the subconscious mind constantly. If we
naturally suggest thoughts of fear and poverty, that is what will feed
into your subconscious unless you master the
habit of your desire. According to ancient wisdom, everything on the
physical plane is simply a manifestation of something on the
metaphysical plane. When physical pain is present. this is the divine
warning there is emotional work that needs to be done. It has been
proven that whatever parts of our bodies we are suffering physical
pain from, they are linked to the emotional work we need to do. For
instance, lest look at knees and back issues.
Knee issues involve our pride and fear. Pain here is associated with
our reluctance to admit fear. Knees can also represent humility,
which is he wisdom to just surrender.
Lower back pain is linked with emotional support-financial support,
emotional support of family and friends, and support of the Divine.
Pain here may also indicate over commitment, that we may have taken on
more than we can handle. It is all interrelated in some form or
Remember when I said, everything begins with a thought? We are either
thinking or engaging in an activity to silence the thoughts. There is
NO in-between. Most people spend the majority of their leisure time
running away from thought. I used to be petrified of my own thoughts
and being alone with myself. I was guilty of always have the radio or
television on when I was at home. It is physically impossible to
really think without the power of silence. This is a perfect example,
you are driving in the car, spottily is playing your favorite
playlist, and all of a sudden you realize, you are lost. What is the
first thing we generally do, we turn down the music.
When we turn down the music, we are silencing
the noise around us so we are able to do what? Think!
Happiness begins with what we tell our selves daily and depends on 3 things. We must first make a choice to take a chance so that we may make a change. And the keys to happiness are in our
own pocket, not someone else's.
Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together~Shirene