I have had this card someone near and dear gave me years ago framed and in my bathroom. This brings me so much joy and always brings a huge smile to my face every time I read it. It is yet another reminder that we are all truly fabulous amazing individuals.
I find it so interesting that when we are in grade school is when we start to notice how others perceive us. Are we accepted or not. Then as we progress in junior high, that perception becomes more emphasized until we are in high school and it is at a all time high. Get it, high school?
Regardless, we move through our life often concerned with what others think of us. Judgment is such a slippery slope! If you are lucky enough to escape to your 40’s and 50’s without too much personal judgment, let me assure you, you are a winner! Because life from 40 on becomes so much more open and honest with who we are as humans.
Let me tell you at this point in my life, I really could care less what anyone thinks of me. Yes, that is right, after 4 melanoma diagnosis, I have embraced what it is to be really fair skinned and white. I was a sun chaser my whole entire life, but the first time the doctor calls you after a biopsy of a scratch on the side of your nose that wont heal and says “Shirene, you have melanoma.” life becomes so much more precious. All of a sudden, a healthy glow and tan legs are no longer important. The healthy glow of sun kissed skin has been replaced with the healthy glow of the best zinc oxide sunscreen and a hat. I have a beautiful car that the whole entire roof opens and I will never get in my car and NOT have that roof open. That car inspires me and makes me happy. So in turn, I have learned to always wear a hat and sunscreen no exceptions!
I have NOTHING in my life that is not there by choice, including people and things. Every time I have moved it gets smaller and smaller.
Don’t worry what others think. If you are happy and content with yourself and your life, embrace every moment as nothing is guaranteed in life! ALWAYS REMEMBER, YOU really are kinda a big deal!~Shirene