You really are kinda a big #DEAL!

I have had this card someone near and dear gave me years ago framed and in my bathroom. This brings me so much joy and always brings a huge smile to my face every time I read it. It is yet another reminder that we are all truly fabulous amazing individuals.

I find it so interesting that when we are in grade school is when we start to notice how others perceive us. Are we accepted or not. Then as we progress in junior high, that perception becomes more emphasized until we are in high school and it is at a all time high. Get it, high school?

Regardless, we move through our life often concerned with what others think of us. Judgment is such a slippery slope! If you are lucky enough to escape to your 40’s and 50’s without too much personal judgment, let me assure you, you are a winner! Because life from 40 on becomes so much more open and honest with who we are as humans.

Let me tell you at this point in my life, I really could care less what anyone thinks of me. Yes, that is right, after 4 melanoma diagnosis, I have embraced what it is to be really fair skinned and white. I was a sun chaser my whole entire life, but the first time the doctor calls you after a biopsy of a scratch on the side of your nose that wont heal and says “Shirene, you have melanoma.” life becomes so much more precious. All of a sudden, a healthy glow and tan legs are no longer important. The healthy glow of sun kissed skin has been replaced with the healthy glow of the best zinc oxide sunscreen and a hat. I have a beautiful car that the whole entire roof opens and I will never get in my car and NOT have that roof open. That car inspires me and makes me happy. So in turn, I have learned to always wear a hat and sunscreen no exceptions!

I have NOTHING in my life that is not there by choice, including people and things. Every time I have moved it gets smaller and smaller.

Don’t worry what others think. If you are happy and content with yourself and your life, embrace every moment as nothing is guaranteed in life! ALWAYS REMEMBER, YOU really are kinda a big deal!~Shirene

What makes you #HAPPY?

Do you know most people spend more time planning a two week vacation than they do their own life? Re read that please. Because of this, most people have a hard time answering that question.

We are not taught how to be happy. We are not taught how to think. We are not taught how to enjoy life without stuff. When I say WE I am certainly referring to the general public. Lets look at a newborn for instance. They have few needs, clean diaper, food, and human contact, AND WAIT, THEY ARE HAPPY! Society tells us that we will be happy when we are thin, when we have the right shoes, when we drive the right car, when we eat at the right restaurant. PEOPLE, IT IS JUST ADVERTISEMENTS. Remember, everything is a choice!

We do not need the latest and greatest to be happy. Think about it, you purchase the new car. A few months later the newness wears off for most people and they are now ready for another new car. Look around you and all the stuff that you had to have. I am guilty. I was the girl with bags, jewelry, shoes, clothes. I bought into the idea that I had to have it all to be happy. The truth was, I was already happy and I was just surrounding myself with stuff. How many bags does a person need? How many coffee mugs does a person need? Seriously, ask yourself this the next time you are looking to purchase something. Do I really need this? What am I trying to fulfill in my life?

I literally relate almost every dime I spend in terms of travel. My family, my health, philanthropy and travel are the most important things in my life. Everything I choose is related to one of the four before mentioned items. No exceptions. What really turned my head toward all this was an amazing series of books written by Wallace Waddels. “The Science of Being Rich, The Science of Being Great and The Science of Being Well.” Worth every single penny! Buy them, study them, they are profound! Truly, you will then begin to answer the question of what makes you happy!~Shirene

Is misfortune or defeat really disguised as #OPPORTUNITY?

Every opportunity we are presented with does not always appear as something good. The phrase there is ALWAYS something to be thankful for is really true! Even in the worst circumstance one can possibly imagine, there is always opportunity to grow and something to be thankful for!

Im not going to lie and tell you it will always be easy to see the opportunities. My favorite example of the best opportunity I have ever had was the absolute worst time in my life as a human. When your life throws you sideways, it is a chance to listen. Many remain stuck in victim mode. I ask you, what good does that serve? Last time I checked, being a victim only perpetuated heartache and grief.

Thoughts are the only thing in life we have absolute control over. The most successful people in the world from Einstein to Ford, learned early on to control their thoughts and to ALWAYS embrace adversity. Imagine if Ford would have given up at his first attempt to make a combustible engine? He continually said there would be a combustible engine, even though his engineers said it was impossible, he continually said, keep working. The only limitation to anything, is in our own minds.

You are who you are because of your mental attitude and the thoughts you have. I believe, one door closes and two or three more open. You must pay attention as to which one to open. When I am conflicted on the next direction, I simply ask out loud:

Where would you have me go?

What would you have me do?

What would you have me say and to whom?

AND FOR HEAVEN SAKE………………….LISTEN! The answer always appears. Someone may say something to you randomly, you may hear a song with the answer in the words, you may read something. There are no accidents and everything in our lives, we have called to us! Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, no matter how big or how small, is what you can create!

So can we agree right now, how imperative it is to control your mental attitude. I am always fabulous, regardless of what is going on in my life or around me. Now mind you, if a dear friend or my sons ask me how I am, I may answer, I don’t like that question right now, can you please ask me something different? Only because I do not want to give power to what I may be feeling or allowing it to control my thoughts. I feel when things are vocalized we are giving it power. That is a hard no for me unless it is in the right direction I am headed. It is like buying ice cream when it is 100 degrees outside and taking an hour to return home. That ice cream will no longer be ice cream it will be spoiled milk.

The next time you have a flat tire, or your car won’t start, or your internet goes down, that is not misfortune or defeat, but yet a chance to ask what is the opportunity for me?~Shirene

Another Amazing Super Mero Sunday!

Today we are highlighting an amazing woman in Phoenix, Arizona. She is an award winning writer and truly an inspiration to all that are blessed to meet her. Judith Pearson is a Cancer survivor that has founded a spectacular organization called A 2nd Act. Her non profit highlights the most amazing women that have overcome the worst heartache and pain through their journey with Cancer.

I had the pleasure of meeting Judy a few nights ago at a women’s meet and greet in Phoenix. All night I was asked by these powerful women how I found them? My usual answer, as I cannot explain most things in my life, the universe lead me here. You know when you are on the internet and something catches your eye and down the rabbit hole you go! Gosh how blessed I am that the universe lead me to Judy!

Her organization is dedicated to the idea that helping is healing. Through the power of helping others and sharing our story, we heal. Her foundation has been donating to other non profits to help them get up and running with the good they are doing in the community! She has written and produced an amazing book filled with stories of STRONG AMAZING women that have all started their own 2nd Act as Cancer survivors.

Judy Pearson, we thank you for being an amazing Super Mero to yourself and to those you inspire everyday!~Shirene

There are no failures only different degrees of #SUCCESS.

It is only through the challenges rather than the easy times that we learn and grow. I said to a friend of mine many years ago when my life as a single mother of two small sons was completely chaotic and out of control, “Why can’t life just be easy?” His response I have carried with me for years, “if life were always easy, we would not be able to appreciate all the good.” What do you think? Make sense?

I certainly think now that if life were always easy, how very boring and limited it would be. I have 100% embraced change and know that when situations are presented that are difficult, it is ourselves being pushed to the next level of our own best self. There are always growth opportunities in everything, good, bad, and indifferent. I won’t lie, I do like to relax from time to time and having life calm and quiet is nice. And there is certainly a huge difference in living a life with someone that it feels as though you are living in a food processor and you never know when someone is going to push pulse.

Now, do not misunderstand, my life has NO DRAMA. There is a huge difference between change and drama. Drama involves others, where change is singular and is placed for our own growth and development. You know, when problem after problem arises that is the universe speaking to you. If you don’t listen, the problems become bigger, and bigger, until you have an accident of some sort and are FORCED to stop completely! Been there done that. Slipped in a freak accident that kept me confined to my home for 6+ months. I look back now and my take away from that was courage and I am always my own go to person! If I could get through that, literally by myself, I CAN DO ANYTHING!! What a blessing change and problems are!

There are NEVER any failures simply different degrees of success and remember, it is all a matter of perspective.~Shirene

Old ways won't #OPEN new doors.

Know why army officers prefer 18 to 20 year olds over 40+ year olds? Can they walk faster? Run faster? Can they carry more? No, 18 to 20 year olds do not carry worry and every night they go to sleep and wipe their minds clean of fear and worry from the day! Worry and fear are learned behaviors and do not in anyway bring change. In fact the opposite, worry and fear keep a person stuck in old thoughts, and complacency.

Can we agree, that the older we get as humans, the more we worry and prefer things to remain the same. So, if you decide you want to change up your routine, depending on how entrenched that routine is, it may or may not be easy. But I can promise you, if you implement a change using old ways and thoughts, you are doomed to a life of complacency and boredom free from any change.

My son and I were having a conversation earlier today about his life after graduation. He is set to graduate from College in mechanical engineering this year. I do not know many children with their lives ahead of them that are seeking an employer that is internationally based and will offer the most amount of time off.

See my two sons have not bought into the mindset of having to have a wife and children right away out of college. My sons believe in the mindset of you do you and I will do me and then we can do us. But until the US is a factor, they are definitely doing themselves, and in the most magical life giving way possible.

I am so proud to say, my two sons are the best humans I know. They are kind, smart, thoughtful and give back to those around them as often as possible. They both know that thinking outside the box will always open a door. There is nothing the three of us ever want, that we do not get.

I taught them early on that when you look around and are always asking yourself, how can I give greater value for what I am receiving? How can I serve better and be better as a person? How can I make more money for my employer or those around me, or save more for my customers or those around me? What I know for sure, is according to the law of attraction, when you give just a bit more, however that my look, it will come back multiplied. What that also means is you must often think outside the box and stretch your thinking. How can I do this different?

When you keep these thoughts in the forefront of your mind, you will never have to worry about working a day in your life and you certainly will have no need to worry about being cared for. Now that is not to say that life will be always easy. In fact far from it! There will be lesson along the way that you will need to pay attention to, there will be plot twists, there will be heart ache and all will be put in your life to make you develop into the greatest version of you!

The next time you are faced with a closed door, ask yourself what is a new way I can open this door!~Shirene

Are you listening?

Do you realize, your life is always speaking to you? Your life is speaking through other people, songs on your playlist, billboards, text messages, even random posts on Face book and Instagram.

Recently, I was going through what I like to call cleansing my aura. I was cleansing my inner physical self of toxins and had been cleansing my inner self of negative dialogue for the last several years. I so enjoy being awake enough in my life when the Universe is trying to speak to me………I now am able to listen. As I opened Instagram this particular day, the first post I read was:

Today, you must cleanse your body, your mind, your car, your playlist, your handbag, and your inner dialogue. Hmm, really? Needless to say, I drove to the car wash, and 35 minutes later, my car was washed and vacuumed just like new! While I was there, I dumped my bag inside out and threw away everything that was no longer necessary. Once I returned home, I sat on the beautiful patio over looking the pool and made several new playlists. I felt so wonderful and free doing all this. I listened and acted upon what I was told. Done and Done!

My favorite story of all time is this summer I was drawn to Rio de janero for a visit from my biological mother that passed away when I was 9 months old. Brenda my mother was only 22 years old. Can you even imagine? I had decided I must visit these iconic steps on my birthday and realized I needed to be there just after sunrise when no one was around. My friend and I took several photos and just as we were walking away this beautiful regal older woman approached me, touched my hand to give me her phone for a photo. In the moment she touched me, I felt a huge surge of emotion. I chose to blow it off, but I knew there was something. We were not able to communicate as she spoke Portuguese and I did not.

As I handed her her phone she touched my hand again and I felt the emotion again. Hmm, I thought. Again, not really thinking much about it. My friend and I went about our day and were having a beer later and who walks by? The woman. OK, there are a bazillion people in Rio and this woman crosses our path yet once again? This is not a coincidence!

I invited her to have a beer with us. She again touched my hand, and in that moment, I knew it was Brenda! That was why I was called to Rio on my birthday! Next to my right, I see our tour guide from the day prior that took us around Rio with all kinds of great knowledge. Needless to say, we invited her to sit with us. The woman, Gracie was her name, said to Renata, our tour guide, “I don’t know why I am supposed to say this, but please tell Shirene that I am so proud of who she has become.” Seriously? Did she just say this?

You know, had I not been listening the first time she touched my hand, it would have played out completely different! I promise you, it is practice, but all we have to do is just listen through out our day as to whatever we are being told.. Try this small exercise, which is how I learned this great practice of listening.

Say to yourself, out loud……….. what is it you want me to know? Then close your eyes in silence and listen. You will get a few answers. You might hear, ask someone something, or give someone something, or walk across the street, or buy that ticket to your destination. But I promise you, JUST LISTEN!!!! ~Shirene

What is FEAR?

Fear is nothing other than creative thought in negative form. Read that again!

Everything is an effect of your mind. Your thought forces concentrated on anything will bring that thing in manifestation. Therefor, we must concentrate our thoghts only on good things and the things you wish to manifest. Think things like health, happiness, abundance, power. This is what you will manifest.

Imagine standing and looking at a calm smooth body of water, like a lake. What do you see? It is like a mirror, right? You can see your reflection in the water. This is how your mind works when it is calm. You are able to receive ideas, and really think about what it is you want.

Now imagine standing and looking at the ocean. It is turbulent, always moving and certainly anythng but calm. This is how your mind is when fear is present. Your mind is spinning and you cannot think. Ideas are cut off. Positive calm thoughts are cut off.

Calm and relaxed and able to manifest = The calm peaceful lake.

Fear and worry and cut off from ideas and the ability to manifest = The turbulent and restless ocean.

Think about these two analogies the next time you want to create and manifest the life you want. Fear and hurry does not serve any of us well at all.~Shirene

Its another Super Mero Sunday!

Our Super Mero feature today is a dear friend of mine Tamara (Tam), Redden. Tam is an amazing single mother of two sons. Her oldest is 23 and lives in Florida and her youngest is 1 1/2. Needless to say, with a toddler, you know she has her hands full. She works 60 hours a week to keep food on the table and a roof over their head. What makes her a Super Mero, besides just keeping her head above water as a single mother, with no child support, I might add, is she travels once a month to Florida to care for her ill father.

She purchases her plane ticket, covers her shifts at work, and off she and her son go for 7 to 10 days to take care of her father. While she is there, she cooks and prepares plan ahead meals for him, takes him to doctor appointments, cleans, and does anything else he needs. There is family close to him, but it seems as though the family has left his care up to Tam to fly from Phoenix, Arizona once a month to Orlando, Florida to care for him.

She has been keeping up this pace for almost a year now and just jumps in to help her father, no questions asked. Tam as long as I have known her, is always there for her friends and family without question. If you need something, you can always depend on her kindness and ability to always give.

I think we can agree, It is hard enough to care for a ill family member in the same city, Tam has risen to a whole new level with her father in Orlando! She books his medical appointments and is listed as his care giver hundred miles away. Her parents are still married, but Tam has assumed all levels of care for her father, even across the country. She receives calls from social workers, and doctors when her fathers health declines and works to keep a wellness plan in place.

Just the fact Tam is there for her father, in our book makes her a true Super Mero. But the fact she is also a single mother to a wonderful sweet adorable toddler, flies across country once a month, and works 60+ hours a week to make ends meat, she is a 100% Super Mero! Tamra Redden, you are absolutely amazing and are really a fine example to your child and to the world of what it is to be kind, giving, inspirational and a true believer in the power of one! You are making a difference in the world and thank you for all you do to enrich your fathers life and those around you!~Shirene Hayes

Someday, is NOT a day of the #WEEK.

Now is all we have at any given moment. Do not put off till tomorrow what you can do today. Ever heard someone say to you, do not procrastinate? The word procrastinate is literally that. You are simply castrating your creative thought if you do not choose to live in the here and now!

I grew up in a family that I constantly heard maybe, someday, and we will see. Seriously, make a decision people. Someday is not a day of the week. Instead it is another form of the word try. And, the word try is simply failing with honor. So, when the word someday is attached to doing something special, you are basically saying it is really not that important to make a passionate decision.

Today is the day to claim what it is that you want. I will………, I want…………, Let’s do this today! Claim what you want. If it is not important, then sure, someday is appropriate. For me, it is a yes or a no. Say it and claim it!

This is where thought is so important and the ability to think. We choose our thoughts and just the same, we can think our way to make things happen. There is nothing in this world that you cannot think your way to do! NOTHING!

So, what can you make happen today? What can you claim you want today? There is simply no day of the week called SOMEDAY!~Shirene